We finally met with DAI DAI, she came this Tuesday to meet us, and came with the books.
The book is really beautiful, we gonna keep a few copies for us, and will give one copy to a super media art library in Bourgogne, called espace multimédia Gantner! and one in our collective library in la Générale, so they can be read by our residents :)
So thank you very much for sending them.
DAI DAI came to our office, and made a presentation of her work, and research with a small discussion group of art/politics we animate. We discussed about the possibility of finding opportunities to bring you in Paris.
2023-10-08,18:04 UTC+02:
慢遞員DAI DAI和收件人溝通好了,先預定10月24日在Gassendi街39號的la Générale空間交收
Communication established between courier DAI DAI and RECEIVER, with handover scheduled for 24 October at 39 rue Gassendi in a venue called la Générale
2023-09-28,13:31 UTC+02:
Safely arrived in Paris, awaiting contact with receiver
2023-09-26,下午 afternoon:
慢遞員DAI DAI一共攬七本《啓程行為》,六本來派送給書的投稿者RYBN.ORG小組,最後一本作為慢遞員跑腿贈品;在品嘗鮮榨石榴汁的交接中,DAI DAI和轉運站工作人員閒聊的話題包括香港的政治氣氛對藝術的影響、未來計劃以及香港機場對乘客檢查的嚴格程度;晚上飛巴黎
Courier DAI DAI picks up six copies of Acts of Departure for delivering to publication contributors RYBN.ORG, along with one more as a courier bonus for the run; handover conversation topics over freshly-squeezed pomegranate juice include the influence of Hong Kong's political atmosphere on art, future plans, and the stringency of Hong Kong airport's passenger checks; departure from Hong Kong scheduled immediately later in the evening