X-O +
GABRIEL patron saint of messengers and postal workers
2023-07-27,22:14 UTC+03
2023-07-27,22:14 UTC +03:
Finally I was able to get my copies thanks to X-O coming all the way from Oslo to Athens for a few days. She leaves tomorrow for an island and I back to Berlin.
There is no URL to The Black Cat who has been shunning the internet (and social media) until now. With that said we are working on launching a digital project detailing the space with the help of a few friends. It might take a year or so before it's on the web. Will send you a link when it's ready.
Many thanks to anyone involved in this adventure, to finally being able to read about the fascinating Tsuji Jun was worth all the wait.
Until next time!
2023-07-07,20:49 UTC +02:
收件人更新:「你好,通知一下X-O上班之後拿到包裹啦;她這個月底回老家會幫我帶過來;一本會留在Ippokratous街125號的黑貓阿納期-達達主義書店(Omavros Gatos)。非常感謝整個展銷場團隊,也謝謝加俾額爾的寬容,希望在歐洲和其它地方有更多這樣的項目;書到了黑貓我會更新發照片。祝好,收件人」
Hello, I confirm that X-O was able to pick up the package at her arrival to work. She will kindly bring it to me when she travels back home to Athens later this month. One of the copies will be left at The Black Cat (Omavros Gatos) anarcho-dadaist book store on Ippokratous Str. 125.
A big thank you(!) to the entire Display Distribute team and to GABRIELE for his time and flexibility. May there be more of such initiatives in Europe and elsewhere.
Will update with a picture when the books arrive at The Black Cat.
2023-07-04,18:53 UTC +02:
COURIER GABRIEL UPDATE:book is with X-X, or O-O, since there were both possible X-Os working at the drop location; should proceed to the receiver via her
2023-07-03,19:19 UTC +02:
COURIER GABRIEL UPDATE:hey im bringing the dispatch to Oslo, might actually just drop it at a restaurant
2023-06-27,19:42 UTC +02:
收件人更新:「你好加俾額爾,那幾天我的朋友X-O都會在奧斯陸;她在這個酒吧工作:Nedre Løkka Cocktailbar & Selskapslokaler;他們除了星期六每天下午4點到半夜1點開著,所以4號星期二應該沒有問題;如果她沒在妳也可以把書放給她的同事。非常感謝你,祝你的旅行愉快」
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello GABRIELE, my friend, X-O is her name, will be in Oslo between those dates. She works in this bar: Nedre Løkka Cocktailbar & Selskapslokaler; they open from 4 pm to 1 am every day except Saturday, but so Tuesday 4th would work; If she is not there you could just leave the book to one of her colleagues. Thank you so much for doing this! Best wishes for your trips
2023-06-25,18:15 UTC +02:
COURIER GABRIEL UPDATE:I will pass through Oslo on July 4th and then on the 6th or 7th – on the 4th I stay all day, so it would be more convenient to drop the book somewhere. Let me know if it works for your friend there. Best, GABRIEL
2023-06-16,14:16 UTC +02:
COURIER GABRIEL UPDATE:Hello, The dispatch is with me in Bergen. I will be in Wurzburg, Germany next week, and in Oslo for a day some point in July—no date yet—to then be in Rome between July and August. Let me know if any of these locations work. Best, GABRIEL
2023-05-11,12:32 UTC +01:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hi, I can give them an address (restaurant) in Oslo but my friend may not be flexible enough to pick it up anywhere else. She is a waitress and works long and late hours. Otherwise I will be in Berlin at the end of the month and have friends all over the city. Thanks for keeping me updated.
2023-04-25,13:23 UTC +02:
Dispatch arrives in Bergen; awaiting relay and contact with receiver:Dispatch is in Bergen. I’ll go to Rome for sure over the summer. But might find someone going to Oslo or Berlin before that, and I’ll keep an eye open for the other destinations too. If you know of anyone in Bergen who will travel to a destination that works for you, just let me know and I’ll hand the dispatch over. Best, GABRIEL
Dispatch HQL-511 is picked up by courier GABRIEL in between Hong Kong must-sees like geo-sleuthing smart lamp posts and the first checkout-free convenience store near gate 24 of Hong Kong International airport; two out of three successful, dispatch departs on a red-eye flight to Bergen with layover in Frankfurt
雅典 Athens
緩件號 Dispatch HQL-511
HQL-511的內容 Contents of dispatch HQL-511
卑爾根到奧斯陸 Bergen to Oslo
「歐洲很奇怪」 Europe is weird
緩件號 Dispatch HQL-527
「說實話,奧斯陸令人毛骨悚然的」 Oslo is so creepy TBH
香港 Hong Kong
在香港找一下多功能智慧燈柱 While in Hong Kong, geolocate smart lampposts