2023-11-02, 下午 afternoon:
Courier lß reconnects with the receiver in Shanghai, but because the courier thought the opening of art museum is too far away, the receiver suggests a meeting at a film screening instead
2023-10-12,上午 morning:
Courier lß‘ s volunteer work in the urban village has come to an end; she stops through Guangzhou and Chongqing, and the next stop is Shanghai; approximate delivery time has been reported to the recipient, currently awaiting reply
2023-06-04,上午 morning:
Courier lß departs from amidst Guangzhou's incomparably humid Maofeng Mountain by Didi taxi to the train station, where she and a new social worker colleague travel together by high-speed rail to Guangzhou; dispatches HQL-492 and HQL-496, packed away in the courier's backpack, miss the view of Shenzhen Longhua District's industrial area; awaiting transfer
LIGHT LOGISTICIAN lß arrives in Guangzhou a few days earlier but catches COVID and handover is delayed until today, one day before her departure to Shenzhen; relay of dispatches HQL-496 and HQL-492 at Guangzhou Zoo successful
Contact established between receiver and new relay courier lß, for scheduled delivery to Shanghai to take place in September or October 2023
Courier Ms. CHU now catching up with friends in Guangzhou, and outside of Exit C of the Xiaogang metro station drops off dispatches HQL-492 and HQL-494 to the LIGHT LOGISTICIAN of the Guangzhou Relay Centre ;awaiting relay courier to Shanghai
As the first LIGHT LOGISTICS courier to cross the border since the lifting of Hong Kong Mainland restrictions, Ms. CHU Jiney successfully arrives in Shenzhen
慢遞員觸及膩小姐剛仲完COVID從竹篙灣檢疫中心出來之後就可以來攬三件慢遞(HQL-492 / HQL-493 / HQL-494)準備過幾天回內地跟家人過年;取件地點叫Busy Bee,一個她在油麻地最喜歡吃的一個尼泊爾小餐廳;到了就可以準備人肉暖身一下吃一個土豆小吃一碗麵加momo餃子
Courier Ms. JINI has just recovered from a staycation at the Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre and is finally able to come out to pick up three dispatches (HQL-492 / HQL-493 / HQL-494) for bringing with her across the border when she returns home for a pre-Spring Festival break in a few more days' time; the pick up location is one of her favourite Nepalese cafés, a small joint with a yellow storefront called Busy Bee; to warm herself up for logisticking, she orders a noodle soup with vegetarian momo and the alu nimki potato snack
上海 Shanghai
廉價機票經停在小機場,乘客們下機又上機··· Budget airlines stop at little airports where passengers get off and get on planes in 20 mins…
放映後交件,收件人也給了慢遞員一本書 After the film screening, courier lß also receives a book from the RECEIVER
上海紐約街邊的野草 Wild grass at Shanghai New York..
龍華區 Longhua District
黃皮在城中村 wampee fruit in the urban village
工作坊間休息片刻 taking a break between workshops
室友放在窗邊的一群蘋果 a bunch of apples that flatmates put by the window
一群小朋友貼在白牆上的一群小畫兒 small paintings by a group of children in the urban village
廣州 Guangzhou
慢遞員路過廣州曉港看展銷場作者老羊的媽媽吳秀蓮的畫展,很喜歡吳姥姥畫的馬和年曆上的蓮花 Second stop in Guangzhou, courier Ms. CHU visits the exhibition of Display Distribute author Lao YANG’s mother WU Xiulian; she likes very much the drawings of horses and the lotus flower calendar
慢遞員路過廣州曉港看展銷場作者老羊的媽媽吳秀蓮的畫展,很喜歡吳姥姥畫的馬和年曆上的蓮花 Second stop in Guangzhou, courier Ms. CHU visits the exhibition of Display Distribute author Lao YANG’s mother WU Xiulian; she likes very much the drawings of horses and the lotus flower calendar
廣州轉運站已攬件 Successfully received by Guangzhou Relay Centre
慢遞員太熱愛慢遞,有幫朋友慢遞MLA cd Courier loves running ‘human meat’, also picks up a side dispatch of an MLA cd to bring to a friend
換件和麵條 Noodles and smuggled goods
緩件號HQL-492和HQL-496被慢遞員大雨相從廣州接走 Dispatches HQL-492 and HQL-496 picked up by courier lß
深圳 Shenzhen
慢遞員先路過深圳探望親戚,收到對方藏在行李箱的紅包一個 Courier Ms. CHU visits relatives while passing through Shenzhen, discovers a bonus red pocket stuffed into her suitcase