2023-01-11,17:17 UTC+0:
After meeting with the receiver to hand over her dispatch HQL-489 along with two other dispatches she has agreed to hold in relay, courier Mr. SANDERSON finds out that he, "actually knew who SIUSOON is, it turns out, although we'd never met; small world, etc etc"
2022-12-23,18:36 UTC+0:
WELCOME HOMES:I ran into some Hongkongers running a fish & chip restaurant in South London
慢遞員李先生兩年來第一次離開香港旅行,緊張但不至於多帶幾件東西來慢遞;包括兩件發往英國(HQL-489 + HQL-488)和HQL-490往法國,他還攜帶了很久沒流通過的51.13英鎊小票和零錢
Courier Mr. SANDERSON is travelling outside of Hong Kong for the first time in two years, nervous but not so much that he cannot bring a few extra items with him. Including a triple dispatch (in addition to HQL-489, see also HQL-488 + HQL-490)bound for the UK and EU, he also carries GBP £51.13 in small bills and loose change that have been out of circulation for much too long