納許維爾 Nashville 或者 OR
亚特兰大 Atlanta 或者 OR
洛杉磯 Los Angeles 或者 OR
也許紐約 maybe New York 經由 VIA
墨西哥城 Mexico City +
芝加哥 Chicago
3 本 copies
L先生 Mr. L +
胡宇君 Philana WOO +
2022-12-20,09:38 UTC-06:
RECEIVER UPDATE:I was planning to go visit [courier Mr. L] but never got around to it. Also he was planning to come down here but ended up having a baby. I should just ask him to mail it
2022-05-01,09:20 UTC-05:
Relay courier Mr. L picks up dispatch HQL-441 from Ms. WOO, will keep it safe until he meets with the receiver in a few months' time
2022-04-12,14:16 UTC-05:
Courier Ms. WOO safely arrives back in the United States; awaiting contact with relay courier
I love this! It was so funny how excited the vendor was about meeting two supposedly Chinese women.
One time, I went to a sastería (where there are tailors who fix clothes?), and the tailor asked me where I'm from. I appreciated that he didn't just assume I'm from China. This is how the conversation went:
I needed a tote because I had been tasked with retrieving and hand-delivering some books from Mexico City to Chicago as part of an art cum global logistics project.* I even made sure to pack a tote - one of those reusable shopping bags that fold up into a tidy rectangle the size of a tissue packet — for this very purpose. Alas, I lent that tote to a friend the previous day and now it and he were both on a beach in Oaxaca hundreds of kilometers away.
I met up with V by her apartment to retrieve the books. V needed groceries, so we made our way to her local market lined with stalls selling food, produce, flowers, toys, and household goods. The vendor I purchased my tote from enthusiastically relayed a story that I comprehended only a fraction of. V is fluent in Spanish so I nodded along, laughing whenever they laughed. I gathered it involved the trials and tribulations of learning Mandarin, specifically the words for amigo (朋友 péngyou) and muchas gracias (謝謝 xièxiè). The vendor seemed delighted to be chatting up two Chinese ladies. Afterwards, I asked V if she ever planned on telling him.
“What? That I’m Thai?”
* The personal hand-off of goods, often acquired overseas, is known in China as 人肉遞送 renroudisong (“human meat delivery”). This is contrasted to official delivery channels and constitutes part of the black market economy since its primary benefit is to circumvent costly import taxes, especially when luxury items are involved.
2021-04-06,07:45 UTC-05:
Courier Ms. WOO successfully relays HQL-441 from Ms. V; they go to a music festival together, with particular preference for the performance of Arca
The editor of the Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-a-Year-in-Review, Ms. V of the NAMKHEUN collective, brings freshly printed copies with her on a trans-pacific journey to Mexico City
芝加哥 Chicago
慢遞員L先生拿著HQL-441和HQL-445 Courier Mr. L picks up HQL-441 and HQL-445
墨西哥城 Mexico City
好配慢遞員的指甲 Works well with courier’s nails
一袋準備送出去啦 Ready to be toted
慢遞員V拍慢遞員胡小姐 A portrait of courier Ms. WOO by Ms. V
曼谷 Bangkok
新刊物剛出爐準備跨海 New newsletters preparing to head overseas