2022-07-17,大概早上 approximately 11:00 UTC+01
2022-07-17,大概早上 approximately 11:00 UTC+01:
Because he is leaving Frankfurt to go on holiday, courier Mr. JV transfers dispatch HQL-462 to courier Ms. LI, who meets the receiver at an art space a few days later while she is preparing for a new exhibition
2022-07-09,大概 approximately 10:30 UTC+01:
Having visited Kassel for a few days to view the exhibition, courier Mr. JV successfully picks up dispatches HQL-462 and HQL-463 and places them in his suitcase bound for return to Frankfurt
2022-07-06,11:48 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE arrives in Kassel 9 minutes later than the usual German timeliness due to a train delay, though completely worth it for the bargain €9 price of the Deutsche Bahn public transport month pass she's purchased, thanks to the kind advice of the receiver of dispatch HQL-460; awaiting transfer to courier Jofa el Jefe later in the month
出發前一晚,慢遞員何子看到了一家之前沒注意過的小印尼餐的攤位,決定去參加一個印尼團隊策劃的德國展覽前吃香港的印尼菜好玩,就訂了一份nasi uduk,應該是有炸雞翅、煎雞蛋還有tempeh(黃豆餅)配米飯和幾片青瓜,結果被騙了她最愛吃的tempeh是炸土豆🤮!難道他們要培訓她吃德國菜嗎?
The night before her departure, courier Ms. PORTABLE passes by a small Indonesian food stand that she hadn't noticed before and decides it's funny to eat Indonesian food made in Hong Kong before leaving to take part in an Indonesian-curated exhibition in Germany. She orders a nasi uduk, which is according to the description supposed to include fried chicken wings, a fried egg, and tempeh along with rice and a few slices of cucumber; she is extraordinarily disappointed to find that her favourite, the tempeh, is in this instance substituted for fried potatoes, and she wonders if it's a sign that she should prepare herself for German food...