2022-02-15,15:57 UTC+8:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Hello M, Salamat! I claimed the book few minutes ago. Sakto I was en route from another town. Dispatch HQL-433 successfully received
2022-02-15,15:15 UTC+8:
慢遞員更新:「你好!我今天收到短信:<< Ka-LBC! 包裹173494891821還未從ISULAN取走,請點錄bit.ly/PHDISPO或者打0288585999,查詢號229493。謝謝 >> 好像你可以過去取啦?Pag-ibig at galit / 愛與憤怒,—M」
COURIER Mr. M UPDATE:Hello! I got a text message today saying this: << Ka-LBC! Shipment 173494891821 is still pending at ISULAN. To send instructions, click bit.ly/PHDISPO or call 0288585999. Ref no 229493. Thanks >> Seems like this means you ought pick it up already? Not sure how to read this. Please call the number and use to send instructions I think. Hope this helps. Pag-ibig at galit, / Love and rage, —M
2022-01-12,15:18 UTC+8:
慢遞員更新:「發現我得了新冠,LOL;症狀輕微,目前跡象良好;所以,呃,你可能收到緩件後需要洗手 :') Pag-ibig at galit / 愛與憤怒,—M」
COURIER Mr. M UPDATE:I found I have covid LOL; mild symptoms, good signs so far; so uh, you might want to wash your hands after receiving the package :') Pag-ibig at galit, / Love and rage, —M
2022-01-10,14:23 UTC+8:
慢遞員M更新:「大家好! 不出所料,包裹到了;現在身上帶著HQL-433和我自己的包裹;謝謝展銷場!致HQL-433的收件人,我現在在隔離,所以不能把你的緩件寄出去,但這段時間我會保管好,盡快寄。Pag-ibig at galit / 愛與怒~」
COURIER Mr. M UPDATE:Hello all! As expected, the package arrived. I have with me HQL-433 and my own package. Thanks a bunch Display Distribute! To the receiver of HQL-433, I'm in quarantine now so I can't put your stuff in the post but I can hold on to it in the meantime and send it as soon as I can. Pag-ibig at galit, / Love and rage~
i think i prepped too soon, hehe, there has been a strange blip in the logistics ether because on the HK Post side the tracking reports that the package has already been received in the Philippines, but M has still not received it
LIGHT LOGISTICS hopes that you all can make suitable arrangements sans commercial services if possible, though I do understand that Manila traffic and COVID-conditions may make that difficult!
Wishing that it all works out, and please stay safe amidst all our natural and supernatural disasters, a new year...
RECEIVER UPDATE:This is such great news and what a delightful thing to read this holiday break. Now it makes sense that Lao Yang was coming to my consciousness lately. More excitement to tend in the new year of pandemic living! I can't wait to have the book. It looks like LIGHT LOGISTICS will enfold my rural base. I have since moved to Sultan Kudarat at the start of the pandemic.
I will organize an LBC pickup at your place after your vacation. I can pay when I receive the package so you don't have to worry about it; thanks and more soon