Upon realising that the receiver actually waited almost year before receiver her copy of Fong Fo, K900 notes that in all that time the receiver went from a middle school student to a high school student!
慢遞員K900報告:「遞達!可愛的高中生!做慢遞員好快樂!💙 💙
COURIER K900 REPORT: Successfully received by a cute high school student! Very happy to be a courier! 💙 💙
RECEIVER REVIEW:I think you all are pretty interesting! Receiving this dispatch is the most happy thing for me in 2022, hahahahaha!
收件人分析慢遞員K900的小號:「哈哈,900是杭州前BRT時代最快的一輛公車,但因為進口的不會修 有很多輛都是歪著跑的👯👯」
RECEIVER ANALYSES COURIER K900's CODENAME:Haha, 900 is pre-BRT era Hangzhou's fastest bus route, but because the imported buses couldn't be repaired, many of them drove crookedly 👯👯
慢遞員K900和收件人聯繫好了之後,收件人透露:「我目前還在上高中,可能沒法及時收到消息,實在不行的話可能還是得快遞一下啦;麻煩大家了 🙇♀️ 我1月6至8日都有空,高三首考,我們放假哈哈哈」
When put in touch with courier K900 before her travels, the receiver reveals that she's still in high school and busy with exams so apologises if she's unable to reply to messages promptly; she will be free between 6-8 January after her exams and semester break begins
杭州 Hangzhou
K900剛落地 K900 lands in Hangzhou
HQL-435成功收到! HQL-435 successfully received
收件人送給慢遞員的禮物:The world has been so cleverly structured, why is this?
Dear [K900], So happy to meet you, thanks! Even if I don’t know you well, I think you are really cute and hope we can be friends :)