Courier Ms. MO arrives in Hangzhou after a Shenzhen quarantine and Guangzhou layover to play a gig, even offering free tickets to the receiver; unfortunately he is busy and picks up dispatch HQL-414 at the door of Loopy
杭州 Hangzhou
HQL-414 微信記錄 WeChat communiqué
收件人拍的《馮火》照片 A portrait of Fong Fo by the receiver
深圳 Shenzhen
過深圳灣大橋 Crossing Shenzhen Bay Bridge
深圳灣口岸香港入口 Hong Kong side entrance to Shenzhen Bay Port
出境,入體系 Exiting Hong Kong, Entering the System
入境後一個浪漫的朋友在深圳等著看慢遞員阿MO小姐一眼 A romantic friend waits on the Shenzhen side for a glimpse before courier Ms. MO enters quarantine
往隔離酒店 Bus to quarantine hotel
開始隔離前最後一刻在外面 Last moment outdoors before entering quarantine
浪漫的朋友在外面等著 The patiently waiting romantic friend
加多30元一天有投影儀看片子的隔離間 A quarantine hotel with projector viewing entertainment experience for an extra CNY ¥30 per day
慢遞員MO小姐跟她的浪漫朋友分享定位 Courier Ms. MO locating her romantic friend
浪漫的朋友還等著 The patiently waiting romantic friend still waiting
隔離第一晚後,浪漫的朋友還在 The morning after the first night’s quarantine, romantic friend still nearby
隔離第二天:最後一包 😭 QUARANTINE DAY 02:The last bag 😭
隔離第14天:不符合七天居家檢測,崩潰 QUARANTINE DAY 14:Not qualified for 7-day at home monitoring, fuck
隔離第15天:「跟我一起進來的人走了」 QUARANTINE DAY 15:The people I came in with together are leaving
隔離第15天:「跟我一起進來的人走了」 QUARANTINE DAY 15:The people I came in with together are leaving