Despite the already year and a half delay since the receiver has placed this order to support the legal procedures and struggle of the arrested author of Project Person and A Serious Photography Book, Mr. YANG Licai, I am additionally sorry to show up for the final delivery late by approximately half-an-hour, because I got on the wrong bus in Tsing Yi and ended up in a circular back at Tsing Yi bus station where I first transferred. Thank you to the receiver for your patience and understanding that we could not reprint copies of Project Person until now, because YANG's materials were all confiscated by the police and we could only make a shitty, scanned version, but other friends and supporters have made an hand-printed woodcut bookmark to make up for the lag. Upon receipt of dispatch HQL-403, the receiver says that he hopes to get in touch with Mr. YANG when he is due for release from prison this December.
一張手工木刻印的書籤給《人計畫》 A hand-carved woodcut bookmark for Project Person
綠化香港的真正意義 The real meaning of the greening of Hong Kong
從屯門到青衣的路上 En route from Tuen Mun to Tsing Yi
第一次在青衣巴士站排隊 The first bus queue upon arrival to Tsing Yi bus station
過了大概半個小時,第二次在青衣巴士站排隊 Half an hour later, a second bus queue at Tsing Yi bus station