收件人更新:「再次忘記即時更新動態超級抱歉⋯⋯!!書已經收到啦,展銷場的目錄也很有趣耶!好喜歡 /// 沒有及時給你發郵件真的很不好意思嗚,感謝你的掛念!確實,現在到處旅行都不容易,天公作美也很幸福了~新年快樂,也提前祝你元宵快樂,一切順利ww
P.S. 本來說書是想要送給一位先生的,現在似乎不太方便了,自己留著也很不錯,所以是給自己的新年禮物啦XD」
RECEIVER UPDATE:Apologies once again for such a belated reply...! I've received the books already, Display Distribute's 『CATALOGUE』is also really interesting, I really like it /// Really sorry that I hadn't replied to your mail earlier, thank you so much for keeping me in mind! Indeed travelling is not so easy these days~ Happy new year, and wishing you an early happy Lantern Festival as well, best of luck!
P.S. Originally I told you that one of the books was intended as a gift for a certain male friend, but now that's not so convenient anymore either, so I'll keep it as a New Year's gift to myself—not bad either XD
RECEIVER UPDATE:I had asked for an update from my friend in Hong Kong, and she told me she had already posted the package; I asked for the tracking number, but then we both forgot about it; so far the package hasn't arrived, it must be going by EMS, probably not so fast? Will let you know as soon as it's received!
After a day filled with COVID community centre testing, meetings and a quiet drift through the Central District, courier Ms. PORTABLE returns to Tuen Mun for a successful late night handover of dispatch HQL-387 at the entrance of a shopping mall
Contact is established between LIGHT LOGISTICIAN Ms. PORTABLE and the receiver's friend Ms. DORIS; an appointment is made for a coincidentally same district Tuen Mun delivery
RELAY CENTRE UPDATE:Thank you for your message~ We have been forced to make many compromises this year already and have sent several dispatches by post and courier, ha— if your friend is okay to help you pay for a bit more postage, I can slow-courier to him/her at any location in Hong Kong; your order does not contain anything sensitive, it should be fine; if this arrangement is okay for you, please have your friend contact me
MESSAGE from RECEIVER:A friend in Hong Kong recently said she'll send me a Christmas card, but because we're afraid it will get lost in the post, we wanted to use a courier service. We also have mixed feelings that this will take away from the meaning of "slow couriering", but perhaps this could be considered part of a larger package (XD); what do you think, anything is fine for me! Because actually these books are intended as a gift for a friend who is waiting, it's all in good faith, haha!
安全第一,慢遞員何子送貨前確認健康 Courier Ms. PORTABLE ensures dispatch safety before delivery with a COVID-19 test
安全第一,慢遞員何子送貨前確認健康 Courier Ms. PORTABLE ensures dispatch safety before delivery with a COVID-19 test
緩件號HQL-387在屯門的一個商場等待轉運 Dispatch HQL-387 waiting after hours in a Tuen Mun shopping mall for the handover