925 days, 15 hours, and 56 minutes after placing his order, dispatch HQL-371 is finally received in Shanghai at a place called BANK that's not a bank—bling~
慢遞員JAIME BOT又有機會從北京去上海,這次準備看一下PSA和上海藝術週的活動,當然也要再check-in看看是否能夠碰到收件人——兩位已經錯過了三次,不知道這次能不能見面?懸念重重⋯⋯
Preparing for another trip to Shanghai to visit Art Week, courier JAIME BOT checks in again with the receiver for the fourth time... will they meet finally? The suspense mounts
Courier JAIME BOT has a new opportunity to travel to Shanghai for work and makes contact with the receiver, only to find out he is planning on travelling from Shanghai to Beijing at the exact same time... another missed connection, relay pending
看ab/C藝術書展的來臨,慢遞員再次確認一下收件人去北京的計畫,但是其實慢遞員JAIME BOT也自己有行程改變——剛好7月24日到8月1日書展期間又要去一趟上海。還好,收件人也過了書展可以回上海,兩位南方人用北京話約定上海見
As the ab/C art book fair nears, couriers check in on the receiver's previously mentioned travel plans to Beijing, because actually courier JAIME BOT has changed the plan herself and will not be in Beijing during the fair; luckily, loosening up of pandemic restrictions means the receiver will be returning to Shanghai himself after the fair; they will eat seafood and add Beijing'r dialect to every second word of their conversation
JAIME BOT準備明天從隔離酒店終於放出來,聯繫上了收件人約見面;結果收件人隔離期間回到廣州,奶奶的!因為慢遞員過兩天要去北京,緩件轉運到北方等待收件人過黎參加夏天的一個未確定的藝術書展
In preparation for courier JAIME BOT's release from quarantine the next day, connections are finally established between her and the receiver, who turns out to be back in Guangzhou during the pandemic period, WTF; dispatch rerouted to Beijing where courier JAIME BOT normally lives and the receiver is hoping to visit later this summer for the still as-of-yet not confirmed ab/C art book fair
一直平靜前進的日子被北京新發地的疫情消息打破了。隔離完畢後,慢遞員JAIME BOT還能如期在上海晃悠,完成慢遞任務?
The slow-moving days are interrupted by news of a new corona virus outbreak in Beijing. After quarantine, will courier JAIME BOT be able to hang out in Shanghai and dispatch HQL-371 as planned?
Friend from Shenzhen quarantine sent pictures of their quarantine meals: rice rolls, beef brisket noodle, even soup that comes in a coconut shell! A strong desire to open a bottle of natural wine that JAIME BOT carried from Hong Kong for a friend in Beijing. Patting herself on the back for being so selfless. Placed a delivery order for coffee and Lay’s chips in a new flavor (salted egg yolk and meat glutinous rice dumpling). During quarantine, you can order delivery for anything except for cigarettes, booze, and hot food.
開始閱讀Bojana KUNST的《藝術家工作中》。喜歡扉頁上寫的:「因為我們都是同謀。」謝謝HQL-371的陪伴
JAIME BOT starts reading Bojana KUNST’s Artist at Work, part of the dispatch. She likes the epigramme: “Because of our own complicities” and is thankful for the company of HQL-371
The breakfast is delivered too early in the morning and usually gets cold by the time JAIME BOT gets out of bed. Insisting on eating hot food only, JAIME BOT came up with a way to reheat the bun with an electric kettle.
慢遞員JAIME BOT從香港國際機場起飛,帶著緩件號HQL-371入上海開始14日的隔離時間。核酸測試後,被分配去距離機場兩小時車程,一家高級酒店的房間。她的評價:「應該係人生入面take過最貴嘅two-week vacation 😂 」
Departure from Hong Kong International Airport and entry into mandatory 14-day quarantine in Shanghai with a bonus placement in a luxury room in the designated quarantine hotel; courier Ms. JAIME's review: "It's very comfortable; probably will be the most expensive two week vacation in my whole life 😂"
Courier Ms. JAIME picks up dispatch from Tuen Mun Relay Centre
因為疫情「後勤人肉」慢遞好幾個月後終於有第一個跨境慢遞員可以接內地的緩件。本來答應了走北京-香港的路線,慢遞員JAIME BOT研究後發現上海的隔離酒店評價和價格都更合理,所以決定了先到上海配合規定的兩週隔離時間。她帶著五本『展銷場』「二(手)山(寨)」系列書,也就是去年HQL-297訂單的第二批——即是2018年下單的未完成訂單⋯⋯確實慢,請原諒!這次換件也因慢遞員的要求為了隔離期間有好書看沒有帶包裝。
The first cross-border LIGHT LOGISTICS courier in months had originally posted availability to and from Beijing, but due to the more positive ratings and hotel rates for mandatory quarantine in Shanghai, Ms. JAIME's route allows her to make the second dispatch following HQL-297 from one year ago, part of the fulfillment from an order placed for the full set of SECOND(hand)MOUNTAIN(fortress) series placed in 2018. As she and dispatch HQL-370 will be in quarantine for two weeks, she asks that the books not be wrapped so that she can enjoy isolation reading before making final delivery.
A lonely departure from Hong Kong International Airport, where there is more staff than travellers
兩個星期長的上海風景 Two-week long views in Shanghai
兩個星期長的上海風景 Two-week long views in Shanghai
兩個星期長的上海風景 Two-week long views in Shanghai
兩個星期長的上海風景 Two-week long views in Shanghai
慢遞員JAIME BOT的隔離期間讀本,包括放黑袋裡的HQL-371 Courier Ms. JAIME’s quarantine reading material, including a black bagged HQL-371
「啲嘢都幾好食!」 Actually tastes quite okay!
A genius way to reheat a breakfast bun
HQL-371微信紀錄是幾個南方人抄北方人的玩場 HQL-371 WeChat communiqué punctured by southerners making northerner jokes
JAIME BOT第三次派送計畫又失敗了 An autumn update from courier JAIME BOT turns into another missed connection
925天15個小時56分鐘後,終於收到 925 days, 15 hours, and 56 minutes later, finally received