Having not served a LIGHT LOGISTICS route in some time, courier Ms. PORTABLE is slowed down by all the sights along the way (see photos), so she arrives quite a bit later to the receiver's office than the scheduled appointment time, and the receiver is the only one left working in the big space; PORTABLE feels guilty that her late delivery has resulted in O/T! They chat for some minutes, and the receiver explains that the selection of Display Distribute publications will be joining a mobile library project to travel Nepal in autumn.
緩件號HQL-372 Dispatch HQL-372 packing label
香港的日常抵抗 Everyday resistance in Hong Kong
港島噗噗 Island-side Poo Poo
工人風景 Landscapes of Labour
跟同一位工人上電台,欣賞他獨特穿襪子的風格 In the elevator with same worker from previous photo, enjoying his Bart Simpson sock wearing style
緩件號HQL-372派送成功 Dispatch HQL-372 successfully received