Courier Ms. i has finally returned to university as restrictions are lifted in the mainland; delivery is completed with a commemorative photo in front of dorm hall toilets
After more than two months, LIGHT LOGISTICIAN Ms. DD inquires about the status of HQL-357 and finds out that because of school semester cancellations, the last one kilometer of distance has still not been socially resolved; awaiting relay in Zhengzhou
On a cold winter day in Zhengzhou, courier Ms. i travels to No. 1 Park Road near Mr. MURONG and picks up dispatch HQL-357; she will hold onto it over the Lunar New Year holiday, to be relayed to receiver around Valentine's Day when the new school semester begins
Courier Mr. MURONG arrives with dispatch to Zhengzhou
Contact is made with the receiver and a chat group established. The receiver brings on board his own classmate, Ms. i, but the window for meeting with Mr. MURONG is seems that it will not work out. But Ms. i and the receiver must be besties, because she agrees to go back to Zhengzhou just to pick up dispatch HQL-357
Driving from north end of Taiyuan to the south, Mr. MURONG makes a turn on a road blanketed with freshly fallen snow. "Can we go to your place?" he asks to Ms. DD, light logistician of the Taiyuan Relay Centre. They shortcut through a few small alleyways, listening to a friend from Guangzhou sitting in the backseat talking about some park in Hong Kong. She's newly emigrated to Hong Kong from the mainland and a good friend of Mr. MURONG. As they talk about Hong Kong, and then a certain artist named HO in Hong Kong, and then independent publishing, Ms. DD's eyes suddenly widen with a twinkle: "Hey, do you want to be a slow courier?"
As they near Ms. DD's home/Taiyuan Relay Centre, courier Mr. MURONG dutifully picks up his camera and asks, "Can we document the way to your house then?" After they finally make it back, their gathering continues with the playing of music instruments, until a sudden complaint of after 10pm noise from the neighbour upstairs shuts the party down.
緩件HQL-357微信記錄 Dispatch HQL-357 WeChat communiqué
慢遞員東東小姐轉給新慢遞員慕容亞明 LIGHT LOGISTICIAN Ms. DD hands off to new courier Yaming MURONG
太原轉運中心的即興的音樂會 An improvised jam session at TaiYuan Relay Centre
太原轉運中心的即興的音樂會 An improvised jam session at TaiYuan Relay Centre
太原轉運中心的即興的音樂會 An improvised jam session at TaiYuan Relay Centre
鄭州交接點 Zhengzhou relay point
交接成功 Successfully relayed from Mr. MURONG to Ms. i
2020-03-19緩件情況 2020-03-19 dispatch updates
緩件HQL-357停留鄭州 Dispatch HQL-357 waiting relay in Zhengzhou
「本次路程終於打卡結束」 This route has finally been checked off