2020-01-18,晚一點 later:
DEBBY finds the receiver, dispatch HQL-356 successfully received
慢遞員Jointly Rayon更新:「我轉給DEBBY啦,她以前在這裡作兼職,我今天好像沒看見收件人,她可以找到人給她」
Courier Ms. Jointly Rayon's Update:I passed it to DEBBY, she use to work here part time; she will find someone to pass it on to her, I don't think I saw her today
關於妳買的其它書,麻煩你係大館藝術書展的時候,17號夜晚6-8點或者18號4-8點到亞洲藝術文獻庫的攤位溫下慢遞員「Jointly Rayon」,佢可以把緩件交畀你!祝你參加書展玩的開心!」
Tuen Mun Relay Centre to RECEIVER:Just wanting to give you the latest update regarding your dispatch, which is already in motion. Unfortunately we have still not been able to re-print Lao Yang's Project Person, and we found out a bit too late that Concrete Flux 01 is completely sold out. Many apologies for this inconvenience, and we ask for your understanding for a substitute or two, which we can arrange in person over coffee late-February, if that's okay? We recently acquired Concrete Flux 05, which has not been put online yet, and there are few other hidden goodies we hope to tempt you with. Let us know if you would be available!
For the rest, the handover point can be at the BOOKED art book fair, either 17.1 from 6 to 8 pm or 18.1 between 4-8 pm. Please visit the Asia Art Archive booth and ask for courier "Jointly Rayon" to receive it!
慢遞員Jointly Rayon打包好的緩件HQL-355和HQL-356 Courier Jointly Rayon’s preparation of double dispatch HQL-355 and HQL-356
最後也加了三層包裹:HQL-355、HQL-356和HQL-359 Courier Jointly Rayon’s preparation of double dispatch HQL-355 and HQL-356, now a triple dispatch together with HQL-359
轉運慢遞員DEBBY小姐在Booked藝術書展 Relay courier Ms. DEBBY at the Booked Art Book Fair