Second-time courier Mr. A-CE is with curator Mr. DING, also a former courier, in Shenzhen to prepare for an exhibition, making it easy for courier Ms. HO to hop across the border to relay dispatch HQL-336 to Mr. A-CE in the OCT arts district and share a meal together; while taking over dispatches HQL-336 and HQL-338, Mr. A-CE and Mr. DING reminisce about their previous courier experiences, which turn out to be a long-ago relay together for a dispatch of Fong Fo monthly from Guangzhou to Shanghai (seeHQL-118)
Courier and curator dine
慢遞員阿史和他的策展人夥伴丁先生快樂地攬件 Happy pick-up by courier Mr. A-CE and his companion curator Mr. DING
慢遞員抱著緩件HQL-338(箱子)抱著HQL-336 (白色信封) Courier holds dear to dispatch HQL-338 (box) which holds onto HQL-336 (white envelope)
路線從一次乾樹葉的檢查開始 Dispatch begins with an inspection of dried leaves from Hainan
樹葉的框架 Followed by an inspection of the frame which shall support the leaves
上角 HQL-338 Top View
3/4角 HQL-338 3/4 View
部分內容:《等等目錄》第三期 Included contents: ETC., ETC., Catalogue No. 3