Sophie DYER +
淩明 LIN Ming +
Alexandra TATARSKY +
謝天穎 Tiffany SIA +
何穎雅 Elaine W. HO
2019-12-14,下午 late afternoon
2019-12-14,下午茶時間 teatime:
After approximately one month, LIGHT LOGISTICIANS are finally able to make a teatime visit from the Tuen Mun Relay Centre all the way to Lamma Island for final pick-up from courier Ms. SIA; one copy of each publication is mysteriously missing from the originally stated amount, but publisher and senders from Concrete Flux take note without any worry
Courier LIN spends a week on Lamma Island's Speculative Place contemplating the incursions of global logistics from a privileged perch, en route to Taipei. Leaves publications with Ms. SIA for further distribution
After major mishap of courier A missing her flight, books make it to John F. Kennedy airport just one day late. Received by courier M.
2019-09-13,19:43 UTC+1:
Package dropped off by courier R after his work shift in Bank to courier M&A's exhibition "FREEDON (and on and on)" at the Women's Art Library at Goldsmiths.
2019-09-12,17:30 UTC+1:
Courier-publisher S drops publications at the militant entryway of the Goldsmiths Library. If you are not a student or taken the pains to get an alumni card the doors will not open to you easily. Quick catchup and promises to meet at the pub next time round.
Courier R hands over Concrete Flux 4 after biking swiftly from Bank to Goldsmiths Women’s Art Library before 8 pm library (and hence exhibition opening) closing.
Friday the 13th and 中秋節 fall on the same day this year making this a particularly auspicious handover.
Concrete Flux 4 is joined by the latest CF production containing new texts by Ifor Duncan, Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi, among others!
Publications land at Speculative Place on Lamma Island.