慢遞員何子小姐錯過了一班從郊區Footscray到墨爾本市中心的火車,最後到維多利亞圖書館旁邊的Tulk先生咖啡廳晚了20分鐘。《Domestic Notes》(家庭筆記)的作家和出版社JULIASTUTI小姐已快吃完她的牛頭角火腿芝士三明治了,很餓的何子跟她趕上點了一個火腿芝士土司和一杯卡布奇諾。她們聊了一個半小時關於散居身分、異類教育‘墨爾本和荷蘭生活與新對立出版模式。
After missing the train from Footscray to the center of Melbourne, courier Ms. HO arrives 20 minutes late to her appointment with the writer and publisher of Domestic Notes, Ms. Nuraini JULIASTUTI, who is already almost finished with her ham & cheese croissant and coffee. Courier Ms. HO is hungry by now and catches up quickly with a cappuccino and ham & cheese toastie. They chat for an hour and a half at the Mr. Tulk cafe adjoining the State Library of Victoria, moving from diaspora identity to alternative pedagogies, life in Melbourne and the Netherlands and independent publishing models.
HQL-278的《Domestic Notes》
緩件路過的墨爾本風景 HQL-278 sights between central Melbourne and the airport