Courier Mr. LEE returns every year to Hong Kong for the Lunar New Year holiday from his studies in Taiwan and makes his way up to the third floor of a space formerly called WooferTen that he used to co-organise. Many years of work, materials, archive and other paraphernalia have accumulated there, and each year he begins again to sort through and distribute, give away and/or sell the mountains of stuff. This evening, he descends from WooferTen carrying dispatch HQL-254 along with a large batch of books published by WooferTen. He and the receiver attempt to organise several boxes onto a blue trolley, only to receive criticism from a neighbour aunty: "I used to pull a trolley full of clothes everyday from my house in Yaumatei all the way to Tai Kok Tsui, carrying my son on my back, too! You don't do it like this, it has to be tight!" Another grandma standing by comments on the make of the industrial trolley bought in Shenzhen: "Not bad, but the wheels are not good, I can tell"
2018-12-04,大概 around 14:00-15:00:
Courier Mr. RAHMAN relays dispatch to second courier Mr. LEE in their study room at National Chiao Tung University, dispatch to be delivered to Hong Kong in February 2019
航班號D7 372到達台北,等待轉運
Arrival in Taipei via flight D7 372, waiting transfer
在吉隆坡中山大廈的Rumah Attap圖書館已攔件
Dispatch picked up at the Rumah Attap Library in the Zhongshan building
"Ill be in KL from 16 - 25 Nov. We can try to arrange a pick up once Im in KL, aite?"
HQL-244/245 的臉書記錄 Facebook log for dispatches HQL-244/245
緩件HQL-244/245的品件內容 Combined contents of HQL-244/245
慢遞員自己另外淘的書 Courier RAHMAN’s personal request from publisher
攔件地點 Pick up location
緩件HQL-254/255 Hanging dispatch
慢遞員到達發貨地點 Courier’s pick-up confirmation
出版社發現了慢遞員的另一些事業 Publisher discovers courier’s other talents
缓件HQL-254/255到达台北 Double dispatch arrival in Taipei
缓件在慢递员背包里 Dispatch in backpack on conveyor belt
慢遞員李先生記錄HQL-254內容 Courier Mr. LEE documents dispatch HQL-254 contents
HQL-254的書跟一批香港藝術空間「活化庭」的書一起到 HQL-254 is delivered together with a large batch of publications from former Hong Kong art space WooferTen
油麻地街坊討論各種人肉故事 Neighbours from the Yaumatei community exchange various couriering life stories