因為世界各地的書愛好者都來到香港的Booked藝術書展,慢遞員Jointly Rayon的壓力大,她同時帶了三包緩件到她值班的攤位,一個一個交接,可是到了HQL-355她都有一點暈了,誤會把HQL-359給了355的收件人;問題解決了之後,HQL-359的收件人第二天很開心收到藝術家詩人楊立才作的攝影書
With a heavy-duty triple dispatch catching the winds of booklovers at the Booked Art Book Fair, courier Ms. Jointly Rayon gets a bit confused and mistakenly hands off dispatch HQL-359 to the receiver of HQL-355, but thankfully a quick check-up clarifies the situation, and the receiver is able to pick up his photo book the following day