Courier Update:The last dispatch was 15 October, my first day at my new job
8th copy dispatched to receiver Ms. YEUNG
2019-08-19,21:06: Here’s a midway dispatch update:
I’ve dispatched 5 of the book 9 books that I took. They’ve been given to Kin, Godwin, Selene, and Jia Yun, and a close friend, Fiona, interested in publishing, resistance and likes Hong Kong a lot. 2 books are for me and my partner Renée.
The books took quite a journey from parasite and through the protests that night at Hong Kong island. They might have little tear gas particles, but mostly sweat from that night.
I realized I didn’t actually tell any of the receivers this even though I had planned to. I’m not sure why either. I guess I didn’t want to sensationalize the happenings in Hong Kong anymore for friends who watch it from afar. Instead, I focused on the positive things that I got out of being in Hong Kong and joining the protests, rather than the teargas.
I really want to talk about the situation in Hong Kong more, in fact I feel like I have to, to get things out of my mind from watching it anxiously from afar everyday. I find it really difficult to talk about it in Singapore. I just got into a really bad quarrel with my dad about it. And the taxi driver who picked me from the airport after I came back from the airport had a long painful conversation about it too, calling me stupid kid for joining the movement.
I have been carrying a copy of the book in my bag everyday now partly because I’m still reading it and partly because I might bump into one of the receivers (this method of dispatch has worked well!). I read the book really slowly, and don’t really want to finish it. I guess because I still have a few to dispatch anyway. Maybe also because I’m still thinking of Hong Kong everyday.
Still waiting to bump into Vicks and Robert. I don’t see Robert often so I guess I will probably keep the book in my bag for some time more.
Departure from Hong Kong to Singapore
2019-07-28,下午 afternoon:
Pick up from Quarry Bay in afternoon and carried by courier throughout the streets of Hong Kong well into the night
「到了新加坡!在我家附近他們在種新樹,好奇怪!」 They’re planting new trees by the roads where I live. Strange sight
新加坡的DIY卡拉OK DIY Singaporean karaoke
緩件HQL-311紀錄 Dispatch HQL-311 documentation
「在昨天晚上烤肉聚派送成功!」 Successful delivery at a bbq the night before!
一個半月後,第八本派送成功 8th copy successfully delivered 1 1/2 months later