2018-04-29,下午六點多 around 18:00:
Hi-speed rail from Shenzhen North train station to Beijing
2018-04-29,下午 afternoon:
Border crossing at Shenzhen Bay port
这趟慢递标记了对自由的高度控制和个人努力/展示 This 慢递 trip was marked by signs of high level control and individual displays of, or efforts at, freedom.
As I crossed from Hong Kong to the mainland at Shenzhen Bay, an automated passport chip reader requested I provide all my fingerprints. The system is new, but its design simple and primary, like Windows XP. Once it had received all this biological data, the system popped up with a polite "Welcome to China!". Very cyberpunk, very "New Era" China (新时代中国).
I do wonder thought how integrated and comprehensive the system actually is. Are the fingerprints taken here at Shenzhen Bay actually linked into one enormous national system, with potentially more than a billion sets of fingerprint data? For example, has the system realised from my fingerprints that I have two passports and over the past year or so entered China on both? Or is this just a show piece of hi-tech and secure New Era China. On the other side of the passport check, I passed a red banner: "港口强,国家强", "If the borders are strong, The country is strong."
I have supplied my fingerprint data to a total of four entities in the last year—China customs, Taiwan customs, my cellphone, and the third party in charge of security at my office. Who knows where the data has gone from there. I'll be mistrustful of all of them.
In the Beijing subway, Baishiqiao station (白石桥), I saw this curious contraption. It's also part of the security apparatus, though its "Old Era" and military-industrial aesthetic—the stenciled lettering, the marks of heavy industry, the fact that something like this could only be designed by a state owned company finding excuses to use up excess steel production —could not be more different from the smiling cyber-dystopia of the Shenzhen border crossing. It seems China's security apparatus is a broad church of old and new.
The device is called a "explosion prevention ball". I can only imagine that in the case of a suspected bomb, police are supposed to throw the explosive device inside the ball, screw all the nuts and bolts tight, and wait until the device has expended its energy within the thick steel shell.
字後面。「爆料」一詞用以指將會引起轟動效應的某種洩密,最近則可以聯繫到郭文貴(Miles Kwok)的爆料,關於王岐山在第十九屆黨代表大會選舉前的商業行為即腐敗行徑。我好奇,那些誹謗文件會不會被裝在一個防爆球裡面,來避開挖料的記者和競爭對手呢?
As soon as I saw the lettering on this heavy metal ball, however, my mind couldn't help but add the character liao to bao. Baoliao is the word used for potentially explosive exposé documents, and most recently associated with GUO Wengui (Miles Kwok) and his detailed public exposure of Wang Qishan's business dealings and corruption in the run up to the 19th Party Congress. I wondered if inside this explosion prevention ball was in fact an archive of slanderous documents, deposited inside to keep them safely out of reach of prying journalists and rival cadres.
In spite of the state's myriad forms of control—real and imagined—we, the laobaixing riding the train from Shenzhen to Beijing, managed to pull off micro-displays of our freedom, from the more micro-level controls on our life. My cabin mate, a traveling businessman, relished his jumbo KFC burger with no wife or mother to chastise him for unhealthy eating. While I, well out of sight of my boss and colleagues, enjoyed beers as I finished reviewing the documents I should have read the previous week.
香港新界屯門工業區,已攬件 Dispatch picked up in the industrial area of Tuen Mun, New Territories
慢遞員成功過關,深圳灣口岸 Courier successfully crosses border at Shenzhen Bay checkpoint
一個素食主義慢遞員的惡夢 The cabin nightmare of a vegetarian courier
上鋪的小辦公區 Workstation on the upper bunk
北京防暴球可以用來存爆料嗎 Beijing metro sighting
緩件HQL-225乘了小黃車到目的地 Dispatch HQL-225 on an OFO bike to its final destination
[…] with inspired documentation this time, travelling by plane as opposed to the 24-hour train ride of his previous route; airports are too sterile. About how I then responded that I like the contrast of such high […]
[…] with inspired documentation this time, travelling by plane as opposed to the 24-hour train ride of his previous route; airports are too sterile. About how I then responded that I like the contrast of such high […]