#LIGHTLOGISTICS harvested by the lumbung Kios working group for a learning session on 5 August 2021, now published as part of the second edition of the lumbung Kios catalogue (Kassel, August 2022)
Download PDF here ☞ https://displaydistribute.com/greyeconomy/lumbungKIOS_2ndEdition-2022-08.pdf
Display Distribute mentions in “The Art Book Fair as temporary book space”, by LIM Kyung Yong
IDEA Magazine No. 397, February 2022
“Chatty Publishing” walk-in workshop with Hackers and Designers, Florian Cramer, and Jatiwangi Art Factory at Documenta Fifteen, for the launch of Making Matters, A Vocabulary for Collective Arts (Valiz) and gossiping about Documenta (Kassel, 27-28 July 2022)
View the on-going lexicon here ☞ https://chatty-pub.hackersanddesigners.nl/making-matters-lumbung
Display Distribute takes part in the Art in Action Research Workshop
co-hosted by FOA-FLUX and Jatiwangi Art Factory’s Terracotta Embassy at Documenta Fifteen (Kassel, 17 July 2022)
BULLET TEXT discussion with : INDISCZINEPARTIJ、NAMKHEUN、境外生權益小組 Taiwan International Student Movement、NEW PESSIMISM、BUKU JALANAN Shah Alam + 刺紙 PRICKLY PAPER,moderated by 陸思培 Stephanie LU Sipei + 展銷場 Display Distribute
網上 online, 16 January 2022,19:30 UTC +8
💤oom 967 5847 4150 | passcode 059238
Panel Presentation “Art & Resistance from the Mainland to the Diaspora”
by Mai CORLIN for Powers of Truth: China, Tech, Art and Resistance (Berlin, October 2021)
“Artistic Research – dead on arrival? Research practices of self-organized collectives vs. managerial visions of artistic research”,by Florian CRAMER in The Postresearch Condition (Metropolis M Books, 2021)
『展銷場』x 女子天團 參加廣東時代美術館 “無用之用”展覽
Display Distribute in collaboration with NZTT Sewing Co-op for “Uselessness as Usage” at Guangdong Times Museum
2021年7月17日 – 8月29日
“ในห้องที่มีหน้าต่าง : In a Room with a View”, interview with Display Distribute LIGHT LOGISTICIAN 何穎雅 Elaine W. Ho by BOOKMARK magazine issue 8
“Favourites from BOOKED:2021” 幾個點 to Display Distribute distro publishers 楚吉妮 Jiney CHU、劉斐 LIU Fei、and 翁维 WENG Wei
『카탈로그 CATALOGUE』No. 03
(a 🍄 mycorrhizally 🍄 distributed publication)
“Reliable Display Copy Distribute No. 1”
A conversation between 何穎雅 Elaine W. HO and Nihaal FAIZAL for MARCH journal of art & strategy
“Reliable Display Copy Distribute No. 2”
A conversation between 何穎雅 Elaine W. HO and Nihaal FAIZAL for BKKABF CO-OP Open Access
“PACKAGING as PROPAGANDA: On circulation, new psychogeographies, and the discursiveness of boxes”
Performance dialogue at “Collective Material Practices in Critical Times” Making Matters online symposium, Sat, 2020 November 21, 19:30 UTC+8
“out of isolation: artists respond to covid-19”,by CHU Hao Pei
“Circulation as Form”,wallpaper flows with Rhode Island School of Design Department of Architecture
“On camaraderie, propaganda and the Black Book: Recent thoughts from Hong Kong”,Šeleppūtu Issue 01
“Slow Logistics”,by Alex TELL for Places Journal
Interview with Object Lessons Space for Singapore Art Book Fair