本書為復刻文本,原文寫於2010年,係篇關於詩人、散文傢、劇作家、翻譯家辻潤嘅文章。辻潤係第一位將麥克斯·施蒂納嘅《個人無政府主義》翻譯成日文(於1920)的日本人。 辻身上貼有各種卷標: 達達主義、虛無主義、伊壁鳩魯派、尺八音樂家、演員、女權主義者以及波西米亞人。再版未徵得同意,由一家不願署名的現已無跡可尋的無政府主義出版集團出品。
Tsuji JUN was influenced by the philosophy of Epicurus, and many characteristics of Epicureanism show through his lifestyle. For example, Tsuji avoided active engagement in politics and sought after a form of ataraxia, which he was apparently able to experience through vagabond wandering and Egoism.
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