From Alternative Space to Also-Space


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170 x 240 mm,32頁/pages
四色數碼打印  colour digital print
騎馬訂裝  saddle-stitched, soft cover with cover flap

語言 LANGUAGE  //  英語  English
出版日期 PUBLICATION DATE  //  2016年
出版社 PUBLISHER // 自出版 self-published(羅特丹 Rotterdam)

限量300本  /  Edition of 300

Out of stock


本出版物是對ruangrupa的藝術和社會實踐研究的一部分,他們是來自印度尼西亞雅加達的藝術家發起的自組織。完整的研究共包含三個章節,於 2016 年出版,標題為《「也是個點兒」,從炎熱到其它:印度尼西亞藝術家自組織如何重新發明網路連結》(Also-Space, from Hot to Something Else: How Indonesia Art Initiatives Have Reinvented Networking)。



這項研究由reinaart VANHOE在鹿特丹應用科學大學010研究中心和鹿特丹應用科學大學威廉德庫寧學院裡執行並撰寫。部分田野研究是作者於2014年在印度尼西亞日惹 KUNCI文化研究中心的駐留期間進行的。

目前的預出版會在由ruangrupa策劃,與荷蘭阿納姆舉辦的SONSBEEK’16 transACTION活動中發行。


This publication is part of a research of the artistic and social pratice of ruangrupa, an artists’ initiative from Jakarta, Indonesia. The complete research, consisting of a total of three chapters, was published in 2016 under the title Also-Space, from Hot to Something Else: How Indonesian Art Initiatives Have Reinvented Networking.

The text of the present publication is the third and final chapter of the book, focusing on the author’s concepts of ‘also-space’ and ‘gLEAP’ and based on the examples of a number of other Indonesian artists and artists’ iniatiatives.

How can we develop an artistic practice that does not define itself as ‘alternative’ or ‘in opposition’ to the society in which it exists, but rather as an integral part of the various communities in which the artist functions, produces and lives, and is thus very much a part of?

This research was conducted and written by reinaart VANHOE at the Research Centre Creating 010, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, and the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Part of the field research was conducted during a residency by the author at KUNCI Cultural Studies Centre, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2014.

The present pre-publication was realised for the occcasion of the event SONSBEEK’16 transACTION in Arnhem, the Netherlands, which was curated by ruangrupa.


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