2024-09-19,大概 around 16:00:
RECEIVER and courier PORTABLE make a loose appointment for Thursday afternoon, as RECEIVER says he will be at Hong Kong Metropolitan University and flexible to come down for a meet-up; as she is spending time with her mother these days, she thinks a walk could be nice from the nearby Tokwawan Relay Centre, and so they set off on what actually is probably not the best day for walking; it is sunny and humid, the kind that tells you a big storm is coming, when your body rains first; mum complains a lot along the way, especially because there are large sections of the journey that are uphill, and PORTABLE feels a bit regretful that they had not taken the MTR; today is mum's birthday, a walk could have been nice. As they approach the university area, PORTABLE crosses the street behind a young, skinny girl wearing 'daddy' shoes, especially light on her feet, almost a hop. Scores of students begin the litter the sidewalk, and even mum notices that most of the students speak Mandarin; but anyway, they have arrived, and mum is happy to duck into the campus café, called Mu, for air conditioning and an iced lemon tea; PORTABLE waits outside for RECEIVER, who apologises for coming down a bit late because he has just been chatting with Singaporean director Anthony CHEN; he offers to invite PORTABLE for a drink, but it's mum's birthday today and they are off to a family dinner, hopefully they can chat more soon.
何文田 Homantin
緩件號HQL-636在Mu Cafe外面 Dispatch HQL-636 outside Mu Cafe
收件人說:「包得那麼好!」 RECEIVER says: “It’s wrapped so nice!“