物流人員更正:「哈囉,啊囉哈,香港轉運站的確認,呵呵。事實上我們在這些書上犯了個錯誤!既然我們發出了錯誤的書慢遞,不如讓CHIRIS當 HQL-632新的收件人?!收件人你好,我們會試圖找到方式在其它時間派送一本『離開的舉措』給你,會一直幻想某天我們自己能來遞送...」
LOGISTICIAN CORRECTION:Halloo ahhlooo, just checking in from the Hong Kong relay centre, hehe! Actually we made a mistake with the book! Since we've dispatched the wrong book out, how about we let CHRIS become the new receiver of HQL-632 instead?! To RECEIVER, we will find a way to get you a copy of Acts of Departure another time, will keep dreaming we can courier it to your ourselves one day...
2024-08-16,22:37 UTC-05:
COURIER CHRIS REPLY:No worries! Yes sadly I was past already! I was actually stuck on the freeway near Benson at a stand still for an hour because of a car fire so I couldn’t even turn around to meet you. I may be taking the same trip again in Dec/January so maybe we can make the handoff then…
2024-08-16,15:14 UTC-07:
收件人更新:「我覺得很失敗,因為我沒能早些回應。我以為CHRIS已經走了。抱歉!!想再確認一下送來的是我有的Resident Evil。我沒有『離開的舉措』。懸案一樁,我有點···算了。見鬼。」
RECEIVER UPDATE:I feel as if i failed because I didn’t respond earlier. And from what I understand CHRIS has already passed by. Apologies!! But just to confirm, yes it’s _Resident Evil_ that I have, right here next to me. I do not have Acts of Departure. The suspense built, and then I kinda….blew it. Drat.
2024-08-15,11:11 UTC-07:
COURIER CHRIS UPDATE:Hihi! I’m in San Francisco! Will be in AZ tonight and have to drive thru Tucson tomorrow for only an hour max (likely around noonish I’ll be there) Could you let me know the contact so I can arrange a meet? Phone may be best as I’m also transporting my doggy as well. Let’s hope the connection works!
CHRIS meets with COURIER paperbridgeee for dinner and a handover at a private restaurant (they don't actually have a license to operate) in an undisclosed location in Kowloon; relay successful, and newly instated COURIER CHRIS also gifts paperbridgeee with a totebag from the Federal Store as hostage exchange
2024-08-08,晚上 evening:
A hopeful attempt for a three-way summit between COURIERS paperbridgeee, CHRIS and PORTABLE fails amidst ping-ponging back and forth between a full-time job in Central, familial duties in Mei Foo, and a book talk at Mount Davis followed by a birthday party in Wanchai; dispatch HQL-632, currently in PORTABLE's hands, may not meet CHRIS after all; but in the most odd bit of serendipity, COURIER paperbridgeee, who had planned to head to Kowloon after work, ends up on the west side of Hong Kong island and runs into PORTABLE in the MTR station as the latter is headed east to Wanchai; a first handover takes place, with the next relay between paperbridgeee and CHRIS to be determined
COURIER paperbridgeee, a co-conspirator of CHRIS in another endeavour, introduced CHRIS to Display Distribute's wonderful world of LIGHT LOGISTICS some years ago, but it is only now during a whirlwind planned journey from Canada to Taiwan to Hong Kong, then to the US for a road trip from San Francisco to New Orleans; while the incoming leg of travel does not meet any matches for dispatches, there is one possible dispatch to bring to Tucson, where CHRIS will pass through for only one hour before continuing his journey; a suspenseful logistical maneuver awaits pick-up
杜蘭大學 Tulane University
「歡迎了包裹到草澤!」 Welcomed the package to the swamp!
SFO 機場
九龍 Kowloon
慢遞員paperbridgeee做慢遞員CHRIS的肖像 COURIER CHRIS portrait by COURIER paperbridgeee
地鐵 MTR
慢遞員易拎暈暈地碰到慢遞員paperbridgeee COURIER PORTABLE confusedly running into COURIER paperbridgeee