I just wanted to thank you—I met up with the courier and picked up the book earlier tonight!
I appreciate the time and logistical effort it took to get it to me—it's an incredible accomplishment considering the route the book took across multiple years and multiple continents. I'm really sincerely grateful to you, and to everybody else who was involved!
2024-08-15,09:14 UTC-07:
慢遞員BROMP TREB和收件人取得聯繫,告知他旅行的原因:他的樂團先在Santa Cruz進行小型巡迴之後再往北在奧克蘭的Tamarack演出;收件人很樂意從三藩市到奧克蘭回合;暫定約在下午6點左右,在樂團的閒晃、閒逛、卸貨、佈置、試音等等期間。(如果你不喜歡瘋狂嘈雜的即興搖滾,我也想給你一個清場的機會,所以你不會覺得有壓力去看演出,哈哈)
COURIER BROMP TREB gets in touch with RECEIVER, informing about the reason for his travel, a mini-tour with his band Muscle Beach first in Santa Cruz, then at Tamarack in Oakland; RECEIVER is happy to travel from San Francisco to Oakland, and a tentative appointment is made for around 6pm, during the band's hangout, goof-off, unload, set-up, soundcheck, etc. (also i wanted to give u a clean out if crazy noisy improvised rock isn't your thing, so u wont feel pressured to check out the show haha)
2024-08-15,22:05 UTC-07:
慢遞員BROMP TREB更新:「就在 [取書] 之後,我參加每週一次的LAWWSS(洛杉磯木管樂技巧分享)聚會,這是一個沒有階級之分的木管樂學習活動;之後我去了在Leroy's(洛杉磯舊唐人街一家廢棄越南餐廳內的藝術家空間/畫廊/工作室) 舉行的LAWWSS的會」
COURIER BROMP TREB UPDATE:After my k-town rendezvous and book pickup, i then went to my weekly LAWWSS (Los Angeles WoodWind SkillShare), meeting, a non hierarchical woodwind learning effort at Leroy’s (an artists space/gallery/studios in an an abandoned Vietnamese restaurant in LA’s old chinatown)
2024-08-14,19:10 UTC-07:
COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:We made the exchange and the book is in good hands. I can’t believe this two year journey is coming to an end. Yes, on the roof of a Korean market. When someone suggests a place to meet in LA, the proper response is, “what’s the parking situation?”. When in K-Town, the only place with a decent parking situation are the markets.; awaiting relay to Oakland on 16 August
2024-08-12,08:08 UTC-07:
慢遞員PFEIFER先生更新:「我想我們可以在K-Town交接了。我和這本神秘的書一起生活了兩年,沒想到結局來得這麼快。照片會被拍下來的,會流眼淚。也希望可以頒發獎項。」即將到達的接力慢遞員BROMP TREB呼應:「太棒了!我很高興能把這本緩慢的書派送給下一位讀者」
COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:I think we’re set for a K-Town exchange. I’ve lived with this mysterious book for 2 years. I didn’t see the end coming this quickly. Pics will be taken. Tears will be shed. And hopefully awards will be awarded. Imminent relay courier BROMP TREB chimes in: Amazing! So happy i can ferry this slow book to its next reader
2024-07-29,23:35 UTC-07:
在幾個月或幾年之前,與收件人取得聯繫,雙方同意尋找從洛杉磯到三藩市中繼慢遞員,但直到994天、10小時、5分鐘,以及更多分鐘的計算,才終於找到一位慢遞員;新招募的Bromp Treb先生將與他的樂團從洛杉磯出發,於8月16 日在聖塔克魯茲演出,「接下來的17號晚上,我會到海灣地區,當晚會在奧克蘭演出......我希望能在8月16日當天的某個時間,到奧克蘭交接;轉運渠道建立成功
Months or years before, contact was established with RECEIVER, and a mutual agreement made to look for relay couriers between LA and San Francisco, but it is not until 994 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes, and more minutes counting that a courier is finally found; newly recruited Mr. Bromp Treb will be travelling from LA to Santa Cruz on 16 August to play drums with a band called Muscle Beach for a little tour "and then the following night the 17th I will be in the Bay area and will be playing in Oakland that night… I am hoping that I might be able to do the hand-off sometime during that day to Oakland on 16 August; relay established
2022-11-04,09:57 UTC-07:
慢遞員PFEIFER先生更新:七個月後,「書還在這裡!在書架上過著舒適的生活,旁邊有一塊石頭、一些香、博爾赫斯和一個理察·普萊斯。剛從COVID癮中恢復過來。過了兩年半的清白生活,然後就 「砰 」的一聲,一下子就被打敗了。我接種了所有疫苗,但剛從東部回來,一定是在飛機上或機場感染的。真不好玩。」
COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:Seven months later, "The book is still here! Living a cosy life on the shelf next to a rock, some incense, Borges, and a Richard Price. Just getting over COVID. Two and a half years living clean and then boom. Put me on my ass. Fully vaccinated and boosted but just took a trip back east and must have contracted it on the plane or airport. Was not fun."
2022-04-14,11:56 UTC-07:
慢遞員PFEIFER先生更新:「我和M約了星期三(昨天)見面,但是後來一整天都沒有她的消息;前一天(星期二)她以為是星期三給我發了短信,但我那天都沒在家;所以只能再想Plan B啦」
COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:M and I agreed to meet on Wednesday (yesterday), but I didn't hear from her all day; at one point she texted me on Tuesday, thinking it was Wednesday, but I wasn't home all day; so yeah, on to Plan B for the delivery I think
2022-04-07,11:38 UTC-07:
COURIER Ms. M UPDATE:I am so sorry for the confusion and for not picking up the book; I had some trouble that in the car rental and by the time I sorted it out I had to leave LA immediately; I am coming back to LA between the 12th till the 17th of April; once I know exactly when I will contact you; I have rearranged my trip to go back to LA then San Francisco, so I can take the book :)
2022-04-02,09:55 UTC-07:
COURIER Mr. PFEIFER UPDATE:Never heard from M! Hopefully she'll reach out this weekend
2022-03-29,13:32 UTC-08:
New relay courier Ms. M contacts Mr. PFEIFER: Joe, if you are around your area of residence on April 1st from around 12:30 to 2 pm, I can pass by and pick up the book from you
2022-02-24,17:25 UTC-08:
Successfully transferred to courier Mr. PFEIFER in Hollywood
2022-02-23,22:27 UTC-08:
Before Mr. PARKS departs from Williams, Arizona, he goes to a Route 66 themed diner there. In the study of literature, there is an oft discussed trope of unreliable narrators. It is also sort of an implicit category of talk therapy, in the post-Freudian tradition. Most psychologists feel professionally obligated to not assume their client is a reliable narrator. The courier wonders how such an orientation might influence the patient's own sense of self, somewhat destructively, albeit innocuously so. Within his role as courier he wonders about the equivalent role for writing the logistics log, but here the unreliability would not emphasize narration in general but appropriate logistics log narration in particular. Williams Arizona is 60 miles south of the southern rim of Grand Canyon. The courier departed Williams Arizona finally at 12:05 pm. He drives somewhat slowly in his small car. He takes a long break outside 29 Palms at a pizzeria called $5 pizza from 8:15 to 9:12. As he ascends the mountains of San Bernardino National Forest towards Big Bear City, the courier begins to realize that he is actually ascending into a treacherous blizzard, snaking along windy snowy, slippery roads. Impossible at a certain point to turn back, the courier both embraces the extreme sport quality, and quietly begs for mercy from the forces of nature, under his breath cursing wimpishly — finding a practical balance between gameful bravado on one hand, and cowardly groveling before forces of nature on the other. He does not feel unreliable, in the sense of exaggerating the sense of danger he felt, for if anything its reality is a bit under articulated here. He accepts he is unreliable, of course, since as far as he knows all these bits of information are completely irrelevant to the actual task of logistics. He arrives in Big Bear at 9:43. He watches coverage of the storm on Los Angeles local news. He decides to stay an extra day in Big Bear City, hoping the descent from the mountain on Thursday is less terrifying. He plans to meet the next courier in Los Angeles between 3pm and 4pm. Six accumulative hours of HGTV and "Shark Tank" later Wednesday night, the courier keeps the TV on, only reducing volume slightly, approaching sleep in preparation for early Thursday morning departure.
2022-02-22,14:25 UTC-08:
Next overnight rest stop: Big Bear Lake Motel 6
Receive item to be delivered by courier in Santa Fe, at parking lot of Santa Fe Art Institute. Courier is not well versed in language of logistics, so during his courier route towards the destination in California, he reflects on what might to suitable to record in the log once he arrives at his motel later and has time to complete a record. He was just telling his friend, one of the logisticians who set this project in motion, that he was interested in the ongoing relevance in art of appropriating formats and frameworks rather then some simplistic pedagogical fixation on the elementary art historical tic associating appropriation and objects as such. And then, that logistician, hands him a collaborative assignment in line with that interest, but already in this log he has deviated so far from emulating the language of logistics! So he assume the quota of allowed deviating, towards a non-logistical reflective log has lapsed too far even already. Other facts: the courier's car had new rear tires, stabilizing the next leg of the drive. The drive from Santa Fe, to a pet friendly motel in Williams Arizona was extremely windy. The car was a Smart car. The courier listened to conservative radio periodically. Since he, the courier, never hears about other left-leaning people, eaves dropping on right wing media strategies by listening to their radio, he thought he should mention that in this log. But not in the same depth as the courier thought, when he was driving. Along course of that leg of drive, many interesting things were discussed on the radio program of "Fresh Air" on the regional NPR broadcast and on the conservative radio programs, the courier listened to. If the editor of this log were to deem additional description as relevant, the courier has planned to make note of the subjects discussed in a separate log in greater detail. The courier is surprised to find himself concerned that current US president Biden may look weak as a statesmen in military contexts of international conflict. The courier had never imagined himself as advocating for demonstrations of military competence. Having been a teenager in the 90s, the courier is relieved to scan to a radio station playing Smashing Pumpkins, which seems to be such a majestic reprieve from the right wing media's predictable and possibly accurate estimation that Biden is a weak, risk averse president, in a moment where the Russian invasion of Ukraine seems imminent. The root meanings of words isn't a strong dimension of the courier's intellectual formation, but he assumes logos is root meaning in both logistics and ideology. The Smashing Pumpkins radio station announces itself using the passe, the courier assumed, or at best nostalgic, moniker he couldn't accurately remember aside from the word "alternative." Earlier in the day he had been wondering about the viability of drawing on 90s branding of alternatives, in order to advocate for alternative independent social media platforms in the current epoch. The courier imagines such a plug for that hypothetical trend could be a more forward thinking way to end his already deviated anyway reflective log. Landscape shifted from Santa Fe building code enforced pueblo style architecture, in Santa Fe, to then actually driving through Navajo indigenous reservations. At a gas station within reservation the courier noticed a Navajo publication, but did not purchase.
This is a branch dispatch of HQL-431
奧克蘭 Oakland
路途中 En route
韓國城 K-Town
「這些是我在K城會面和取書之後一起玩的一群朋友,我想更多地瞭解他們,並讓他們與我之前取的神秘包裹合影」 These are a group of friends i was hanging out with right after my K-town rendezvous and book pickup wanted to know more about and get their picture with the mysterious package that i picked up earlier
「萬一你有好奇,這是我的樂隊」 in case yr wondering, this is the band im in
洛杉磯 Los Angeles
慢遞員PFEIFER先生成功接力 Successfully transferred to courier Mr. PFEIFER in Hollywood