2024-07-12,15:06 UTC-04:
慢遞員CHARIS終於抵達她的送貨目的地,位於下東區的Bungee Space,但不幸的是收件人S今天不在;取而代之的是,她與S的同事T會面,並享受「一場愉快的長談,他們還特別為我調製了番石榴咖啡飲料,這正是夏日午後應該喝的甜咸清爽飲料」;緩件號HQL-613派送成功, 另外HQL-610、HQL-611和HQL-612等待轉運
COURIER CHARIS finally makes it to her delivery destination at Bungee Space on the Lower East Side, but unfortunately RECEIVER S is not there; instead, she meets with T, the colleague of S, and enjoys "a lovely long chat and they made me a special guava coffee drink, which is exactly the kind of sweet and salty refreshing thing to have on a summer afternoon"; delivery of dispatch HQL-613 now complete, and HQL-610, HQL-611, and HQL-612 in relay
Hi dear S,
Thanks for asking about coming today but I won’t be able to make it as a friend unexpectedly popped into Brooklyn. I’m thinking about Wednesday or Friday next week. Would you mind telling me when you won’t be in (or will be) whichever is easier to convey?
Everything is well in New York, my days have been mostly catching up with friends and walking lazily around. Letting the summer heat slow my routine and mind down. Here’s a photo of the shop cat at Quimby’s in Williamsburg where I bought an armful of zines.
I'm writing you from the Hong Kong International Airport now. Excited to be in New York and excited to see the drop-off location Bungee Space and to meet you, S! Thanks for your welcome. I'm thinking right now of coming by on Friday, July 5, if that works for you.
It's funny, when I offered to courier some books from Hong Kong to New York, I didn't know or have any assumptions as to what the books would be. I actually own a copy of Acts of Departure but haven't read it yet and left it in my office at school by the time I picked up the books.
So on Saturday afternoon I wound up deciding to go to Art and Culture Outreach to acquire another copy to bring with me on the plane to read. I was planning on swinging by to buy some books for other friends. I've been feeling anxiety about this long flight (not having done such a long flight since 2020 at the start of the pandemic) and thought perhaps the book's company and the synchronicity with the dispatch would bring me comfort.
Below are images and captions of the journey so far.
Take care,
2024-06-30,22:10 UTC-04:
與收件人建立聯繫,她說:「感謝這次遞送。我很期待與妳見面並進行交談!Bungee Space 週一休息。其它時間的營業時間為上午11:00至下午7:30。我們也很樂意充當臨時轉運站,也請通知其他接收方我們的開放時間,謝謝!」
Contact established with RECEIVER, who writes: "Thank you for making this delivery. I am looking forward to meeting you in person and having a chat! Bungee Space is closed on Mondays. We are open from 11AM to 7:30PM on all other days. We are also happy to serve as a temporary relay centre. Please also notify the receivers about our opening hours, thanks!"
經過快速的攬件安排,慢遞員CHARIS夠取走大量慢遞件: HQL-610、HQL-611、HQL-612 和 613,全部前往紐約地區;她這次是臨時決定的行程,會停留兩周;『展銷場』先安排在曼哈頓下城的一個收件地點,希望不給CHARIS太大方便
After very quick meeting arrangements, courier CHARIS is able to pick up and great number of dispatches: HQL-610, HQL-611, HQL-612, and 613, all headed for the New York City metropolitan area; it was a last-minute arranged trip, and she will stay for two weeks, but arrangements for a single drop-off point in Lower Manhattan hope to keep it easy enough
A friend of a friend gets in touch with Display Distribute: Hi! I’m flying to NY on 1 July and JC mentioned to me that perhaps you would find it helpful if I couriered some things over? Let me know! I could carry about a duffel bag worth of things up to 10-12 kg, as I have quite a lot of baggage allowance
下東區 Lower East Side
牽動的手,我們慢步Soho-百老匯,在春天右轉,在包厘街北,於史坦頓右 Holding hands, we walk slowly through Soho—up Broadway, turn right on Spring, north on Bowery, and a right on Stanton.
T和我津津有味地聊「離開的舉措」和後勤慢遞,Bungee空間以及出版。我細覽所有書籍,T推薦我留意一些特別選集。當我們聊,T問我喝不喝特調,我說接受一切。T做了番石榴果義式濃縮和棕櫚糖特調。我真是幸運。 T and I enthusiastically chat about Acts of Departure and LIGHT LOGISTICS and Bungee Space and publishing. I peruse all the books and T recommends I pay particular attention to some specific sections. As we chat, T asks if they can make me a drink and I say I’ll have anything you’d like to make. T makes this guava juice, espresso, and palm sugar concoction. I feel lucky.
布鲁克林 Brooklyn
威廉斯堡:在遠離讀書人和小誌買家的世界中酣睡 Williamsburg:Soundly asleep in a world away from the book-readers and zine-buyers
波恩兰姆小丘:一些倒時差,每個早上醒來,閱讀,然後可能又睡去。在朋友的公寓裡讀關於女性間的友誼,這綑綁的加固依靠於我們選擇所言說的和如何說。「離開的舉措」,我讀完了。 Boerum Hill:A bit jetlagged, I wake up each morning and read and then perhaps fall asleep again. In my friend’s flat I read about friendship between women and the way these ties can be strengthened depending on what we choose to say and how we say it. I finish Acts of Departure.
緩件伴旅。我們同乘D火車,我指出在我們左邊的布魯克林大橋和曼哈頓下城的天際線。 I carry my dispatches with me like travelling with a companion. We take the D train together and I point out the Brooklyn Bridge to our left and the skyline of lower Manhattan.
路途中 En route
在香港國際機場26號登機口對面回復慢遞郵件,等待14:45飛往東京的航班,之後將轉機飛往肯尼迪機場 Responding to LIGHT LOGISTICS e-mail at the Hong Kong International Airport, waiting across from gate 26 for my flight at 14:45 to Tokyo, after which I will transfer to fly to JFK
D的信,我也有同樣的舉措。真的,讀這書的整體感受都像對我自己生活的注腳:自2020年當我打算移居首次去到美國,一個於疫情中期和香港的改變時定下的計畫。 I read Acts of Departure on the flight from Hong Kong to Tokyo. The first letter to D refers to borders and crossing and this feels like synchronicity to me, in accord with my own actions. Actually, the book as a whole feels to me like I’m adding footnotes to my own life: visiting the States for the first time since I went in 2020 when I was planning to relocate, a plan I put aside in the midst of the pandemic and changes in Hong Kong.
我在肯尼迪機場的海關警戒處排隊等待了2小時,當那裡反覆出現禁用手機標示開始一直在閱讀。第二頁段落的圖示說“信件可以通過海底電纜和電磁波跨越地球,以極其不滿可還實際的方式聯結我們。”是的,我飛向紐約的理由是,只是傳訊和打電話給我的朋友們已經不再充分,我們需要同在一個房間裡。 I wait for 2 hours in the queue at Customs and Border Protection at the John F. Kennedy Airport, reading most of the time since there are repeated signs to not use phones. The paragraph on the second page pictured here says, “a letter can cross the planet via ocean cables and electromagnetic waves that connect us in the most unsatisfying yet practical ways.” This is really the reason I flew to New York, it wasn’t sufficient to message and call my friend anymore, we needed to be in a room together.
灣仔 Wanchai
「上灣仔富德樓的電梯到14樓的艺鵠書店」 Going up the lift to Art and Culture Outreach on the 14th floor of Foo Tak Building in Wan Chai
Finding Acts of Departure on the shelf at ACO
《離開的舉動》在我買到的其它書之間:送給 J 的《大山與人》、給 Z 的《光榮結業》和給自己的《Something Close to Music》 Acts of Departure sandwiched with the other books I bought: Driving Lantau for J, 光榮結業 for Z, and Something Close to Music for myself
HQL-610、611、612和613跟我的衣服還有好多從Don Don Donki給朋友買的零食放到行李箱 Packing HQL-610, 611, 612, and 613 along with my clothes and many snacks from Don Don Donki for friends