Dear all,
Your great book was delivered to me yesterday. Once again, I thank you all. I'm also sending you an image of the book at home, in Porto.
It was great to meet you.
All the best,
2024-06-08,17:19 UTC+02:
緩件號HQL-604派送成功,慢遞員OLIVEIRA女士還透露,途中還經過馬賽轉運: 「該書於6月3日從巴塞羅那運往里斯本,6日從里斯本運往馬賽,8日從馬賽運往波爾圖,並在波爾圖交付給A (M)」
Dispatch HQL-604 successfully delivered, with a bonus reveal from courier OLIVEIRA that a relay through Marseilles had happened along the way: "The book traveled from Barcelona to Lisbon on the 3rd of June, from Lisbon to Marseilles on the 6th and from Marseilles to Porto on the 8th where it was delivered to A (M)"
2024-06-08,10:39 UTC+02:
我會在到達時聯繫你。我會去看在Serralves的展覽然後去Portus Call酒店。
Dear M
I will call you when I arrive. I will go to see the exhibitions at Serralves and then will go to Portus Calle hotel.
Dear Filipa,
Thank you for your email. Yes, I'll be in Porto today and we can meet to receive the book. I'll be with family during the afternoon without a specific place yet. But if you tell me where you will be I can make arrangements in order to meet you. You can also use my phone number to make it easier.
See you later.
All the best,
2024-06-08,00:42 UTC+02:
慢遞員OLIVEIRA與收件人之間的聯繫已成功建立,慢遞員並提供轉運詳細信息: 「我明天(週六)到波多,周日早上離開。我可以把書派送給你嗎? 我將在下午1點半到達」;交流中也發現收件人像好多慢遞員一樣有多個名字
Contact between courier OLIVEIRA and RECEIVER successfully established, along with pending relay details: "I’ll be in Porto tomorrow (Saturday) and will Leave Sunday morning. Could I deliver the book to you? I arrive at 1.30 in the afternoon"; it is also revealed that RECEIVER, similar to many LIGHT LOGISTICS couriers, has multiple names
2024-06-03,早上 morning UTC+02:
Due to her early morning departure for the office, courier OLIVEIRA picks up dispatch HQL-604 in the kitchen of her temporary residence in Barcelona, where it has been slipped in for her by courier PORTABLE; she will be leaving for Porto directly from the office after work
西班牙政府總統佩德羅・桑切斯確認,部長會議已批准承認巴勒斯坦國: 「這是一項歷史性決定,其唯一目標是幫助以色列人和巴勒斯坦人實現和平。承認巴勒斯坦國不僅是對巴勒斯坦人民合法願望的歷史公正。如果我們要實現和平,承認巴勒斯坦國也是當務之急」
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro SÁNCHEZ, confirms that the Council of Ministers have approved the recognition of the State of Palestine: This is a historic decision with a single objective: to help Israelis and Palestinians reach peace. Recognition of the State of Palestine is not only a matter of historical justice to the legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine. It is also an urgent necessity if we are all to achieve peace.
2024-05-21,11:33 UTC+02:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE lands in Barcelona with dispatches HQL-604, HQL-601, HQL-603, and HQL-602 in her luggage; HQL-606 is inside a small cardboard box which is inside a backpack which is on her shoulder; after a bit of delay, she arrives at the flat where she will stay for the next three weeks, HQL-604 awaiting relay to Porto
2024-05-20,between 23:50 UTC+08 - 2024-05-21 08:50 UTC +02 之間:
在飛機上,易拎小姐寫了九封電子郵件,其中三封是在蘇黎世機場用無線網絡發送的,其餘的將在抵達巴塞羅那後發送;她還看了一部名為《美國小說》的電影,這部電影講述的是一位作家,作為一個諷刺性的笑話寫了白人在當前後Black Lives Matter的時代需要消費的那種「黑人故事」;當然,這本書大受歡迎,他無法拒絕,因為他需要錢來幫助照顧他患有老年痴呆症的母親;雖然慢遞員實際上並不認為這部電影整體上非常出色,但她欣賞許多巧妙而到位的對話:「很欣賞他們的努力」;她經常思考「如何面對」這個問題,尤其是考慮到最近生活中出現的大量誤解和溝通失誤; 當影片主人公用手機與他的出版商通話,試圖探討後種族主義世界中的當代美國黑人生活時,一個白人男子從他面前走過,搶走了他的出租車;當易拎觀看影片時,她點了一份牛肉飯,空乘人員讓她稍等——直到其他人都吃完了,托盤都已被收走,多問了兩位空乘人員,她才拿到塑料托盤(裝著意大利面);影片繼續進行
While in air, Ms. PORTABLE writes nine e-mails, three of which are sent with wi-fi in Zürich, and the rest to be sent after arrival in Barcelona; she also watches one film called American Fiction, which is about an author who, as a sarcastic joke, writes the kind of 'black' story that white people need to consume in the current post-Black Lives Matter era; of course, the book becomes a hit, and he cannot say no because he needs the money to help take care of his Alzheimer's-stricken mother; while Ms. PORTABLE does not actually think the film is excellent overall, she appreciates many of the clever and en pointe dialogues——"I appreciate what they were trying to do"; she thinks often about the question of 'how to address', especially in light of the great deal of misunderstandings and mishaps of communication that have been occurring in her life lately; as the protagonist of the film talks on his mobile phone to his publisher, trying to address contemporary Black American life in a post-racist world, a white man walks in front of him and takes his cab; as Ms. PORTABLE watches the film, she orders the meal of beef with rice and is told by the flight attendant to wait; she does not receive her plastic tray (with pasta) until after everyone else has already finished eating and their trays have been cleared; the movie continues
Courier Ms. PORTABLE departs from Hong Kong on 15-hour SwissAir journey to Barcelona with a 55-minute layover in Zürich; upon check-in, she was quite downtrodden to discover that there were no more window or aisle seats available, and she would have to be squeezed between other passengers for the long flight; however, upon arriving at her assigned row 32, the man in the aisle asks if it would be possible to change seats with either himself or the woman seated next to the window, because they are travelling together; Ms. PORTABLE is so happy and chooses the window seat, leaning her head against the chilly, reinforced plastic window as the plane takes off