2024-04-25,18:25 UTC +01:
慢遞員~DONALD回覆詢問:「Hello 東西早就交給她啦,忘記跟你們說了😂。4月12日下午5點20遞送成功」
COURIER ~DONALD UPDATE:hello, the dispatch has already been delivered to her, just forgot updated you 😂. It was successfully handed over on 12 April at 5:20 in the afternoon
2024-04-11,10:44 UTC + 02:
慢遞員~DONALD更新:「4月9update 帶著慢遞吃了頓自助,算是給它上路前的送行飯了;4月10,11 從廣州飛往北京,在飛往柏林,平安落地。不過在柏林被海關開箱了,他們還盯著這本奇怪包裝的書看了半天😂。 目前慢遞平安到達,只差最後一步派送交接了」
COURIER ~DONALD UPDATE:9 April update, I brought the dispatch to eat seafood buffet together, something like a goodbye dinner. On the 10th-11th of April I flew from Guangzhou to Beijing, and then onwards to Berlin, have now safely arrived. My luggage was opened by customs in Berlin, however, and they stared at this strangley packaged dispatch for a long time 😂. For now, everything is safe, and the only step left is to make the final handover
慢遞員~DONALD更新:「不是特別瞭解慢遞的這個類似於日誌一樣的東西該怎樣去寫,於是就乾脆把東西帶在身上,這樣也算是一個奇妙的慢遞之旅,和其他從寄出到簽收大多數時間只能呆在黑漆漆的集裝箱或貨運工廠的包裹不同,它算是一個見過世面的慢遞了。下面的照片是 在玻璃防護罩上睡覺的海牛 得了白化病的魚 鋪天蓋地的蝠鱝 以及似乎得了抑鬱症 漫無目的轉圈圈的北極熊」
COURIER ~DONALD UPDATE:Not totally sure if this kind of diary update is suitable for this slow delivery, but I've simply just carried dispatch HQL-589 on me, so it's like a wonderful trip different from other packages which stay for most of the time in a dark shipping container or relay warehouse; this dispatch can see the world. Below are a picture of a manatee sleeping on the glass barrier, a school of albino fish, an overwhelming number of manta rays, and a polar bear wandering aimlessly around seemingly depressed.
COURIER ~DONALD UPDATE:Have arrived in Shenzhen on a sweltering hot day with no rain, but the icy blue colour of this package strap is a little bit cooler 🩵💙; will depart on the evening of the 10th
New LIGHT LOGISTICS courier ~DONALD has arrived to the relay centre at the behest of the RECEIVER of HQL-589; he happens to be in Hong Kong to do some shopping and passes through Tokwawan to pick up the dispatch after strolling in Mongkok; scheduled to return to Shenzhen later in the evening
微信 WeChat
交收對話 Handover dialogue
柏林某處 Somewhere in Berlin
慢遞員~DONALD達到柏林的藍天下 Courier ~DONALD sees blue skies in Berlin
廣州 Guangzhou
出發前自助 Pre-departure gorging
HQL-589等待出發 HQL-589 waiting for departure
長龍海洋世界 Chimelong Ocean Kingdom
在玻璃防護罩上睡覺的海牛 A manatee sleeping on glass
得了白化病的魚 Albino fish
鋪天蓋地的蝠鱝 Manta Ray Bluescape
似乎得了抑鬱症漫無目的轉圈圈的北極熊 Gloomy polar bear
珠海長隆海洋世界的燈光煙花秀結束時 At the end of the fireworks display at the Chimelong Ocean Kingdom
珠海横琴港口 Hengqin Port
珠海澳門口岸旁的30層公寓 30 floors above the Zhuhai and Macau border
南山區 Nanshan District
慢遞員~DONALD紀錄緩件號HQL-589 Dispatch portrait by ~DONALD