慢遞員Kaamna PATEL小姐在一次香港之行中掌握了嫻熟的多任務處理技能:她能夠在一周內成功完成日常工作責任、參觀展覽、逛書店、領取 HQL-540並進行紋身,然後安全返回孟買把兩本留給之後的分配,一本留給她在孟買Scout Hall對面管理的JOJO圖書館
Courier Ms. Kaamna PATEL manages fierce multi-tasking skills in one visit to Hong Kong: She is able to successfully complete day job duties, visit an exhibition, pick-up dispatch HQL-540, and get a tattoo all within the span of one week before safely returning to Mumbai, where she will hold two copies of Acts of Departure for further distribution and keep one for further reading at JOJO Library, tucked away in an old art deco building opposite of Scout Hall in Dadar
達達爾 Dadar
「《離開的舉動》到達了孟買,我也是」 Acts of Departure has indeed arrived well and so have I
土瓜灣 Tokwawan
慢遞員Kaamna PATEL小姐點低個頭,抬上了緩件號HQL-540 Courier Ms. Kaamna PATEL tips her hat down low and picks up dispatch HQL-540