由於快遞員WREN回香港後楊了,好了之後也乖乖地陪著朋友和家人,最後一段遞送時間延遲;幾周後,在土瓜灣轉運站進行了最後交收;HQL-539派送 成功
Final leg of delivery delayed due to courier WREN catching COVID, followed by friend and family time, but a few weeks later, final handover is made at the Tokwawan Relay Centre; HQL-539 delivery successful
2023-09-20,08:03 UTC+09:
Courier WREN about to board soon for her return flight to Hong Kong after an intense holiday in Seoul and Jeju with an old friend
2023-09-18,13:00 UTC+09:
慢遞員WREN更新:「從SNU區坐長途汽車到Book Society是件很愜意的事。在他們的書店裡,有一本關於一群烏克蘭朋友在戰爭開始前最後一次聚餐的小誌令人印象深刻」
COURIER WREN UPDATE:It was relaxing taking a long bus from SNU area to Book Society. One memorable zine from their bookstore was a zine about a group of Ukrainian friends’ last dinner together before the war started.
2023-09-14,14:12 UTC+09:
Of course we can make an appointment for WREN’s visit to TBS.
My work day is 15th (Friday) but 16, 18 are also fine.
If you visit on the 19th or 20th, LIM will be there.
Our opening hour is 1-7pm, but if you need I can open the store earlier.