2023-10-01,10:44 UTC+02:
緩件號HQL-537的第一本派送交給慢遞員和展銷場的一位共同朋友,HERA和收件人交收時一起享受荷蘭人傳統happy hour的炸肉丸子;之後慢遞員HERA報告:「交給了C但是沒找到合適的時間見Isabelle;她有讓我寄出去可是我想了可能人到人還是更好;我的朋友Isshaq AL-BARBARY住這裡,我可以今天給他讓他和Isabelle交接好嗎?」
First dispatch copy of Acts of Departure delivered to a common friend of the courier and Display Distribute over a Dutch happy hour of bitterballen, after which HERA reports: "I passed to C but Isabelle and I couldn't find a time - she asked me to put in a mailbox but thought it's better to be people to people; my friend Isshaq AL-BARBARY lives here and I can give to him today to meet up with her?"
2023-09-12,13:30 UTC+07:
交接成功,慢遞員HERA準備過幾天15號飛荷蘭;三本之一是送給HERA的慢遞員贈品,另外兩本,一本會慢遞給書的參與投稿者Isabelle SULLY,另外送給一個朋友
Handover completed; courier HERA will fly to the Netherlands in a few days on the 15th of September; one copy is a long overdue courier's bonus for HERA, and the other two will be distributed as a double dispatch to one friend and to book contributor Isabelle SULLY
2023-09-11,12:20 UTC+07:
在詢問合適的交接地點時,慢遞員ปูเป้ลิตา和HERA發現她們同在沙吞(Sathorn)區域,所以很容易在第二天下午到附近的Cafe Neighbour咖啡館見面
While inquiring about a suitable handover location, courier Poopaelita and HERA discover that they are in the same neighbourhood of Sathorn, making it easy for a coffee date the next afternoon at nearby Cafe Neighbor, located at 23 Soi Sathorn 3
2023-09-09,10:17 UTC+07:
COURIER HERA UPDATE:I’ll be going to Amsterdam after BKK, then London, then Sao Paolo so let me know if you want books to go to any of these places!
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
第一本派送成功 First book successfully received
沙吞 Sathorn
《離別行為》在消失中 Acts of Departure in a disappearing act
慢遞員HERA拍慢遞員ปูเป้ลิตา Portrait of courier Poopaelita by courier HERA