2024-04-28,20:14 UTC-05:
COURIER sawLAI UPDATE:Just met L and gave him the book. Other pictures will be tomorrow, it’s been raining all evening
2024-04-24,11:32 UTC-05::
RECEIVER and COURIER sawLAI finally establish contact, and as COURIER is only passing through Houston for the night on her way to Galveston, RECEIVER kindly offers: If the courier prefers I can come to them, they can set up a meeting favorable to them and the area of Houston they’ll be at; handover point subsequently scheduled for the lobby of COURIER sawLAI's hotel at 8 pm on 28 April
在前兩次嘗試無果後,再次聯繫收件人,告知慢遞員傻麗即將會有新旅行到休斯敦可以派送HQL-533: 「哇,時間過得真快,我們還在試著聯繫你!」;派送仍處於達拉斯的邊緣狀態
RECEIVER is contacted again with news of courier sawLAI's upcoming travel to Houston again after two previous attempts without reply: "Wow, time passes so fast, still trying to get in touch with you!"; dispatch still in Dallas limbo
Finally some updates on your order, see here! We have one courier who will travel from Dallas to Houston around the end of September - beg October, but if you know anyone else who may make the journey before that, we can arrange a relay, just let me know!
Hope you are keeping hydrated this summer!
Best wishes, PORTABLE
2023-07-31,18:52 UTC-5:
Touch down at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, courier Ms. HO is very tired
2023-07-31,07:25 UTC-4:
Arrival at New York's JFK airport with an unusually smooth entry through US customs, followed by an airport train from terminal 1 to terminal 8, where there are no chairs to rest upon until after she checks in for the last leg towards Texas
2023-07-30,17:35 UTC+5:30:
Departure via Air India from Ahmedabad to New York, with a 6.5-hour layover in Mumbai
2023-07-26,半夜 late night UTC+5:30:
Courier Ms. HO's first trip to India has been made possible by a Hong Kong Arts Development Council sponsorship of a panel presentation at the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference in Ahmedabad; unfortunately, sour relations between China and India mean that 6-7 other co-presenters for her panel are unable to obtain visas to India, so Ms. HO is left alone, flustered at a crowded airport with hundreds of eyes staring at the out-of-place, yellow-skinned visitor; thankfully, she runs into a few Thai passengers from her flight who will be attending the same conference, and they offer to share their airport pick-up car with her to take her to her hotel
2023-07-25,下午 afternoon UTC+7:
Courier Ms. HO's transit flight to Bangkok is delayed, creating a bit of stress in anticipation of a short layover jaunt into the city for a work meeting before catching the next flight to Ahmedabad; this is made doubly stressful by the very contemporary anxiety of not having a proper internet connection upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi Airport
RECEIVER REPLY:I would absolutely love to get the last copy regardless of its condition, I’m so grateful and appreciative of your support and response regarding the order. Thank you and take all the time you need to arrange the delivery of the book. If this is all still not possible, I can just content myself with the PDF documents on Chuăng’s website. Thank you so much and have a good a day.
We received your order, thank you very much! Unfortunately, it turns out to be a bit of awkward timing, because a few extra copies of Chuăng had only just been discovered in our backstock a couple of weeks ago, and we sold them all at the art book fair in Hong Kong just the weekend before your placed your order, before we had time to update the website to list them as sold out again.
So we don't have any copies available! I remember that you were interested to purchase Chuăng 1 way back when you ordered number 2, so in apologies for our not very operable distro, I'd like to ask if you would be interested to have the last remaining copy of Chuăng 1 (from our own archive), the cover of which is sun faded and damaged. The inside pages are all fine.
If you don't mind to wait for LIGHT LOGISTICS feral couriering, we may have a travel to Texas over the summer and can arrange to get it to you then free of cost. But because we really don't make money with this distro, if you'd like to have it shipped directly from Hong Kong, I will have to ask you to cover the postage costs.
Let us know what you think, and thank you for checking in with us again!
Greetings from your friendly LIGHT LOGISTICIAN,
西北 NW/Willowbrook
慢遞員和收件人自拍 Selfie with COURIER by RECEIVER
收件人開心 Happy RECEIVER
路途中 En route
肯尼迪國際機場 JFK Airport
8號航班樓,沒有椅子的辦公室 Terminal 8, an office without chairs