2023-07-19,16:03 UTC+02:
派送成功;接收人談到世界各地的年輕人都在暴動,因為他們看不到自己的未來;他們在不同的地方起義,暴力程度不斷升級——例如香港、泰國、巴塞羅那、巴黎...... 作為禮物,收件人將自己在巴塞羅那運動期間製作的抗議兩套貼紙送給了慢遞員和黑書眾的同志
Dispatch successfully received; the RECEIVER was talking about how youths around the world are rioting as they see no future for them; they rise up in different spots, and the level of violence is escalating—see Hong Kong, Thailand, Barcelona, Paris... as a gift, he gave the courier protest stickers he made during the Barcelona movement, and another set for Black Book Assembly
2023-07-10,13:56 UTC+02:
慢遞員細蚊仔在巴塞羅那忙於一個新的研究項目,與收件人約好7月14日星期四共進午餐;他們將在收件人位於 Legalitat 18 的印刷工作室見面
COURIER Little Mosquito is busy in Barcelona on a work research trip and schedules a lunch appointment with RECEIVER for Thursday, 13 July; they will meet first at the RECEIVER's printing shop at Legalitat 18
2023-07-08,16:36 UTC+02:
慢遞員細蚊仔更新:「完蛋了⋯⋯我沒有提前網上登機,以為屏幕寫的是可以到早上10:35拿登機牌,結果只到10:30,然後我晚了兩分鐘;現在巨大延誤了⋯⋯我應該走之前燒幾炷香的 😂」
COURIER Little Mosquito UPDATE:Shit…I didn’t check in online and the screen showed 10:35, but it’s actually 10:30. And I was 2 minutes too late to check in; giant delay… I should have burnt some incense stickers before I left 😂
2023-07-06,17:04 UTC+01:
COURIER Little Mosquito UPDATE:I'm at Waag now, don’t go to the zoo
2023-07-06,12:21 UTC+01:
慢遞員ZEONHO和細蚊仔花了幾天時間分享不同回合地點,以便有機會在海牙或鹿特丹見面,但細蚊子只會在阿姆斯特丹;建議的交接點包括Gerrit Rietveld學院畢業展、Artis和Waag;由於細蚊仔提出可以安排免費進入Waag的活動,地點安排在6號星期四晚上21:30之間;ZEONHO將為細蚊仔的慢遞便利換送一個環保袋禮物
Couriers ZEONHO and Little Mosquito spend a few days sharing locations for possible opportunities to meet in Den Haag or Rotterdam, but Little Mosquito will only be in Amsterdam; suggested handover points include the Gerrit Rietveld Akademie graduation show, Artis, and Waag; with Little Mosquito's offer to obtain free entry for an event to Waag, location is scheduled there for Thursday the 6th in the evening before 21:30; ZEONHO will exchange for a tote bag gift for Little Mosquito's couriering convenience
2023-06-30,16:09 UTC+01:
Courier ZEONHO, the active and roving courier extraordinaire for Black Book Assembly No. 4, which has been stationed for relay from Utrecht, assists with one more run of the last remaining copies, which will travel with courier Little Mosquito from Amsterdam to Barcelona to be shared with BBA04 contributor Gerard ALTAIÓ and other friends
Legalitat 18
「我見到中文塗鴉」 I saw graffiti in Chinese
緩件號HQL-527在行李箱裡 HQL-527 in luggage, en route
目的地 Final destination
收件人檢查他的包裹 RECEIVER inspects his dispatch
第四期黑書眾半年多報 The fourth edition of the Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-a-Year-in-Review
12份報紙交換的貼紙 Stickers received in exchange for newspapers
網上 Internet
第一個提出的交接地方 First suggested location for handover
第二個提出的交接地方 Second suggested location for handover
第三個提出的交接地方 Third suggested location for handover
收件人和細蚊仔的TG通訊 Telegram communique between Little Mosquito and RECEIVER
烏特勒支 Utrecht
慢遞員ZEONHO攬件 Courier ZEONHO pick-up
第四期在烏特勒支的最後12份 The last 12 copies of BBA04 in Utrecht