4月15日在The Book Society書店成功攬件後,慢遞員睿過完多兩日快樂的一個假期就回香港
After a successful pick-up on the 15th of April at The Book Society, and a very happy holiday, courier RUI returns to Hong Kong
2023-04-14,10:45 UTC+09:
Courier RUI realises there may be a slight time uncertainty with her plans to visit a rally in the new Sejong Special Self-Governing City before picking up dispatch HQL-509 back in Seoul city centre, so she reschedules for the follow day
2023-04-11,11:32 UTC+09:
Book Society LIM更新:
Book Society LIM UPDATE:
It is great to hear from you. It's great that you're free on Friday. Unfortunately, I'll be traveling to Singapore on Thursday, so it's unlikely I'll be able to meet you in person. You can pick up the book at the bookstore, but we'd love to talk to you about the project.
So, I'd like to introduce you to Helen, who co-edited the book. She's my partner and she knows LIGHT LOGISTICIANS well. She's working at a museum in Itaewon, so I think it would be best if you went to the museum where she works to pick up this book and talk to her rather than our bookstore. I've cc'd this email to her now and I'll have her talk to you on Telegram.
Of course, you can visit our bookstore too. I think you can find our bookstore on KakaoMap as "The Book Society", but we moved last year, so I'm not sure if that's reflected.
The address is:
B1, Jahamunro19gil 25, Jongno-gu
Our opening time on Friday is from 1PM - 7PM.
And you can talk to Helen to confirm the time and place. I hope you enjoy it and have a nice time in Seoul :)
Really thanks and please let me know if you have any questions.
It's so great to hear that I am able to join LIGHT LOGISTICIAN courier project to bring books to Hong Kong. I will in Seoul on 13 April, and I do not have much schedule yet, just joining activity on 14th, so other than the 14th I am all free.
But I need a help is that I would need a Kakao map address for the book shop I am going, for I am staying at a friend's home, and I do not be at very center part of Seoul I guess.
Hopefully maybe we could meet and I can learns about more about your project in Seoul if it is available for you.
See how our schedule might goes.
Looking forward to be in Seoul, hope the weather will be fine and wish you all the best!
2023-04-10,00:00 UTC+09:
WOW! I am leaving for Singapore on the 13th and the book will be out on the 12th or 13th(I hope). So, it means that courier Ms. RUI can pick up this book when she is in Seoul.
It is great! I will send you an email when the book is ready. After that, I can arrange the pick up schedule with RUI.