2022-12-09,20:04 UTC+01
收件人更新:「剛跟慢遞員HERA交收好書啦!在今天很冷的下午我們約了在KW藝術空間,也跟泰國藝術家Orawan ARUNRAK和天線空間的Leon一起見面了:)我明天放假出去旅遊啦,所以很開心今天收到了可以帶上。來自柏林的問候,Y」
RECEIVER'S UPDATE:I just received the book from Hera! We met at KW in Berlin on a cold afternoon, together with Thai artist Orawan ARUNRAK and Leon from Antenna Space. :) I'm going for a holiday trip tomorrow, so happy to have it today, it's gonna be my holiday reading. Greetings from Berlin, Y
2022-11-21,00:28 UTC+01:
COURIER HERA UPDATE:Your book is currently in Athens and traveling to Jakarta tomorrow, with a layover in Abu Dhabi on the way. We will arrive in Berlin on December 7 in the morning
2022-11-17,23:15 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE enjoys a dinner relay over a full Indonesian rijstafel in preparation for building energy for courier Ms. HERA's full journey with HQL-478 to Athens, Jakarta, and Makassar before travelling to final destination Berlin; originally scheduled arrival date of 21 November now rescheduled to early December
2022-11-14,14:45 UTC+01:
Courier Ms. PORTABLE travels from Amsterdam to Rotterdam for the day to meet courier Uncle ROGER for a bit of digital cooperation, simultaneously materially connecting HQL-478 for relay to the next courier back in Amsterdam
2022-10-28,17:56 UTC+01:
After one 14-hour flight and one 1-hour flight (wtf), courier Uncle ROGER arrives back in Rotterdam; dispatch HLQ-479 awaiting relay
Having offloaded a set of synthesizers for sneaking into the mainland, volunteer courier Mr. Uncle ROGER has extra space in his luggage and picks up a double-dispatch destined for Germany; Uncle ROGER is based in Rotterdam, relay courier still needed
柏林 Berlin
交收點:KW藝術空間,在藝術家Orawan ARUNRAK的作品前 Delivery point: In front of Orawan ARUNRAK’s work at KW