2022-12-09,21:02 UTC+01:
慢遞員Geeky KIKI更新:「我們好幾次試圖見面但是都沒見上;收件人看起來比較忙,但是我們今天終於見了:)」
COURIER Geeky KIKI UPDATE:We arranged many meetings but didn't work; it seems both of us have been so busy, but finally we met today:)
2022-10-20,13:20 UTC+01:
Contact established with receiver, awaiting delivery
2022-07-31,02:33 UTC+01:
慢遞員Geeky KIKI小姐在卡塞爾待了三周後,帶了兩本Resident Evil書回洛特單準備分派給兩個收件人,但是她派送前已經離開了去希臘度假;派送要等她9月份旅行回來再送
Courier Ms. Geeky KIKI brings two dispatches of the same book (HQL-468 and HQL-469) back to Rotterdam after her 3-week visit to Kassel; before she can make the delivery, however, she's off to Greece for a holiday and will pick up the route again in September
羅特丹 Rotterdam
第一次2022-11-26試圖交收失敗 First attempted meeting 2022-11-26 fail
第二次2022-12-04試圖交收失敗 Second attempted meeting 2022-12-04 fail
第三次2022-12-09試圖交收成功 Third attempted meeting 2022-12-09 successful
第三次2022-12-09試圖交收成功 Third attempted meeting 2022-12-09 successful
第三次2022-12-09試圖交收成功 Third attempted meeting 2022-12-09 successful