收件人告訴展銷場他有興趣與《尖刻的謬論》作者聯繫因為他正在進行一個名為「Offspring that is a polyp」(暫定題目)的項目,關於寫作和出版中的重復和複製的積累,蛻變為一種神秘的語氣;隨著他的購買,展銷場也給收件人介紹sharpparadox_catherine92295829,我們祝願他的項目順利!
The receiver tells Display Distribute that he is interested to connect with the author of Sharp Paradox because he is working on a project called "Offspring that is a polyp" (working title) about the accumulation of repetition and reproduction in writing and publishing, morphing into a mystique tone; along with his purchase, the receiver receives an e-mail introduction to sharpparadox_catherine92295829, we wish him best of luck for the project!
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam
阿姆斯特丹往烏特勒支連線 Connections between Amsterdam and Utrecht