2022-09-01,15:50 UTC+03:
When the recipient picks up HQL-465 from courier AK, she learns that courier AK was so confused about this whole courier delivery because she was super hungover and unsure about what was going on when she went to pick up the book
2022-08-16,07:35 UTC+01:
RECEIVER UPDATE:Your book came back to Helsinki from Belfast with my colleague AK who I have not had the chance to meet since I've returned from London. I will update you as soon as I do!
2022-07-30,00:26 UTC+01:
「包裹安全轉給AK啦!」慢遞員Vale Z也安全回到倫敦 "The package is safe in AK's hands!" and courier Ms. Vale Z is safe back in London
2022-07-28,23:54 UTC+01:
慢遞員Vale Z,貝爾法斯特更新:「你好AK!希望你喜歡這個討論會!我明天中午就要離開去機場,但是從早上8點半都會在我們的會議室,書會帶在身上;你會方便經過這裡去拿書嗎?」
COURIER Ms. Vale Z's BELFAST UPDATE:Hello Annastiina! Hope you've been enjoying the conference so far! I'm leaving tomorrow at around lunch time for the airport, I'll have the book with me, I'll be in our panel room as from 8:30am if you want to pass by to get it?
緩件號HQL-465與慢遞員Vale Z小姐轉到倫敦
Dispatch HQL-465 transfer with courier Ms. Vale Z to London; awaiting relay
2022-07-23,16:38 UTC+01:
一個突然的快速交接,緩件號HQL-465的收件人很厲害地安排好她自己的人肉:通過一個即將參加一個貝爾法斯特學術討論會,可以跟新慢遞員Vale Z小姐接力;Vale Z小姐這週末正好從倫敦來到卡塞爾看展覽;在展覽的免費Wi-Fi、WhatsApp和來自泰國Baan Noorg小組的泰國經典音樂背景下Vale Z攬攬件好;拍慢遞記錄照片前,她很謙虛地說她不上鏡,但是結果還是蠻可愛的
A suddenly quick handover turnaround as the receiver of dispatch HQL-465 hustles through circles to find that a friend of hers will be presenting in an academic conference in Belfast soon with new recruit courier Ms. Vale Z, who just happens to be visiting Kassel for the weekend; the pick-up is a brief and friendly encounter over Documenta Wi-Fi, WhatsApp, and classic Thai tunes from Baan Noorg collective; before being photographed for logistical documentation, Ms. Vale Z modestly claims that she doesn't look good in photographs but indeed the results are quite cute
赫爾辛基 Helsinki
赫爾辛基收件人 Happy Helsinki recipient
貝爾法斯特 Belfast
第二個交接地點:貝爾法斯特女王大學 Handover Location 2: Queens University Belfast
貝爾法斯特派送中 Belfast handover in waiting
貝爾法斯特交接成功 Belfast handover successful
臉書記錄 Facebook
卡塞爾 Kassel
慢遞員Vale Z在一個滑板U池攬件 Courier Vale Z and a skate ramp handover