As promised to the receiver of order WC-3844, a late delivery of Concrete Flux #05 replaces her order of #01, which is completely sold out. In thanks for her understanding and patience, Display Distribute includes a couple of bonus publications, and the Yaumatei receiver is thankfully very appreciative, even gifting courier Ms. PORTABLE with five face masks in return for her efforts; with free time in light of the great COVID-19 slow-down, they have a three-hour conversation on other things to occupy home-time with, art periodical reading, and community making with a secondhand piano in the flat
HQL-367在路上 Dispatch HQL-367 en route
慢遞員往油麻地經過各種銀行和路人都戴著各種安全保護 HQL-367 passes another bank and passersby all protected from one thing or another
緩件經過最初的展銷場門面,現在變成了一個「名女人」 HQL-367 in front of the original Display Distribute storefront, now a Famöus Wöman
在收件人的樓下登記 Checking in downstairs from the receiver’s flat
HQL-367派送成功 Dispatch successfully received with a smile
還有五片口罩給慢遞員何子小姐 And five face masks for courier Ms. PORTABLE