Courier Ms. PORTABLE drops off her first dispatch of several in Europe this holiday season after first passing through the forests of lower Austria and then by train back into the particular smells of Berlin-town. Perhaps slowed down by the European pace, she forgets to document the handover, but receives from the receiver a very peculiar gift of a mould that transforms hard-boiled eggs into cubes—another way to mark the occasion.
慢遞員以為自己聰明提前準備了轉接頭去歐洲,失敗了 Being prepared to visit the EU doesn’t always work
一個慢遞員過聖誕節 A courier Christmas
奧地利南部農村場景 Views in lower Austria
柏林地鐵場景 Berlin U-bahn shapes
德國郵局的現況,也就是說「後勤」慢遞服務還是最正 The state of German postal service, or why LIGHT LOGISTICS is so wonderful
排了一個半小時隊 Almost there after an hour-and-a-half wait
瞭解了為什麼這個男生看起來那麼喪 Understanding why the envelope model looks so sad
派送成功後,慢遞員何子小姐用了收件人送的奇妙禮物做一個方形的煮雞蛋 The post-dispatch meal for courier Ms. PORTABLE includes a cube-shaped egg made with a peculiar device exchanged with the receiver for dispatch HQL-349