「在亞洲藝術文獻庫見面沒問題。我星期四大概早上11點或者12點過去?妳有冇WhatsApp我可以給妳發消息?」 Meeting at the Asia Art Archive works for me. I'll come by on Thursday probably around 11am or noon? Do you have WhatsApp I can message you on?
「到達香港,包裹安全在我這邊,我整理一下時間再約交接!」 I've touched down in Hong Kong and the package is safely in my possession. Will figure out a time to hand off soon!
2019-12-16,13:48 UTC-5:
Courier Ms. LEE's UPDATE:Just letting you know I'm en route and will connect once I am on the ground in HK
2019-12-11,18:38 UTC-5:
Friend of longtime courier paperbridgeee, courier Ms. LEE travels back to Hong Kong for the holidays. Couriers meet in St. Mark's location Printed Matter at Swiss Institute, trading artists books under the auspices of institutionalized OG artist book purveyors... Courier LIN heads upstairs to catch lecture: THE OPPOSITE OF ELEGANCE. WALTER BENJAMIN’S FASHION THEORY AND THE PRACTICE AND CRITICISM OF 1930S PARIS COUTURE.
Cargo received by courier LEE under the auspices of legit artist book purveyors Printed Matter
Courier Ms. LEE returns to Hong Kong aboard flight CX831
緩件號HQL-322和HQL-340的WhatsApp聊天記錄 WhatsApp communiqué for HQL-322 and HQL-340
緩件號HQL-322和HQL-340的雙包 HQL-322 and HQL-340 twin dispatch