灣仔Serge et Le Phoque餐廳after爬
after party at Serge et Le Phoque, Wanchai
航班號 FLIGHT MU505
上海浦東國際 Shanghai Pudong International - 香港赤鱲角國際 Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok International
飛機起飛,不安落地。去機場前在醫院拿到了HPV和TCT報道,沒有什麼大問題。其實事情根本不是big deal,只是上一周因為那位年長醫生的描述而受到了驚嚇。「HPV兩個高危感染還不來復查?小姑娘你膽子太大了吧!」那位「資深」醫生說,我以為一年復查一次即可,這也是我為什麼在這裡,但醫生這番話使我度過了高空飛行的一周。期間我看了簡單的科普,說HPV高危感染多年才可能引起病變,而病變多年才可能成為癌症,注意這裡都是可能(和朋友討論說HPV最近大有被妖魔化的傾向)。但是,醫生就診時的態度還是主要決定了病人的心理;人和人之間的互動總是能夠超越一部分理性。因此,這持續恐慌的一周時間內我都不確定南方之旅是否能成行,是否這次能見到香港深圳和廣州的朋友們,是否應該答應小船幫忙慢遞,一切懸而未決……我在一疊報告中尋找我那張時忍不住顫抖……之前感染的兩個高危病毒自愈了!雖然報告顯示我感染了另外兩例HPV病毒,然而当我确信地得知身体拥有自愈的能力后,我似乎意识到目前正在掌舵的那位年輕但穩重大方的pilot的存在,坐在機艙的我只看見了ta的背影,驾驶着我的身体所在的这架航班,「女士們先生們,我們的飛機受到了氣流顛簸,請您系好安全帶……」
The airplane takes off and lands with an uneasy feeling. Picked up the HPV and TCT test results from the hospital before leaving for the airport; looks like there wasn't anything to worry about. Actually the whole thing was not really a big deal, but that elderly doctor's way of talking about it last week had scared me. “Two high-risk contractions of HPV, how could you wait so long to come in for an examination? Young lady, you really know how to take risks!" I thought having a check-up once a year would be enough, that's why I'm here now. But the doctor's repetitive scolding just left me with a whole week of flying on high-altitude alert. I researched the basic characteristics of HPV, which said that contagious, high-risk HPV can remain in the body as a disease for many years, and that after an extended period could become cancerous. I took note of all the possibilities (also in discussion with friends about how HPV has been especially overhyped recently). But a doctor's attitude when making a diagnosis is the primary determinant of the patient’s psychology. The interactions between people will always be influenced by something more than rationality. And so, this resulting week of continuous panic made it uncertain whether or not the trip down south would be possible or not, made it uncertain whether or not I would be able to see friends in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and uncertain whether or not I could help Boat courier her books. Everything lay in suspense towards that trembling moment of sifting through a pile of reports to find mine: the two high-risk strains I had contracted before had somehow cured themselves! Although reports had shown that I was infected with two other HPV viruses, the self-healing thing actually exists. Knowing the fact that my body can cure itself brought me back to this plane I am a passenger on, and the young but calm pilot steering the aircraft, the one only visible to me, seated in the passenger cabin, as a sturdy back silhouette. And then suddenly overhead: "Ladies and gentlemen,we are crossing a patch of turbulence, please fasten your seat belts..."
2018-03-25,approximately 10:30左右:
Dispatch picked-up on Urumqi Middle Road amidst a group of 20 people observing a produce market
出版人在路上 Publisher en route
出版人與慢遞員回合 Publisher meeting with courier
HQL-219打包好了準備飛 Dispatch packed and ready to fly
HQL-219 起飛 in air
3月29日晚上11點48分在Serge et Le Phoque餐廳已收件 Received on 29 March at 23:48 hours during a festivity at a Serge et Le Phoque cantine in Wanchai
[…] meaning facing up to our servitude, and just simply following another capitalist logic. Another courier says that scorpion courier is very good at 談戀愛——literally, to talk about romantic […]
[…] meaning facing up to our servitude, and just simply following another capitalist logic. Another courier says that scorpion courier is very good at 談戀愛——literally, to talk about romantic […]