「我有認真打扮和你們過七夕,平時更加樸素 哈哈哈哈,還特意背了Para Site的布袋」……姚小姐和兩位收件人(曾經也走過慢遞路線的慢遞員)在陝西南地鐵站附近交接,也計劃好先一起吃滬上最便宜的十塊錢一碗滷肉飯,再去喝酒;「哈哈哈哈我們三忘記合照了,但是當天有坐在上海的馬路牙子喝酒,蠻開心的,而且我們坐在商店門口感覺被很多人照到吧。可是我們自己酒沒有照」;派送成功
"I got all dressed up to spend Qixi with you all, actually usually my life is pretty plain, hahahaha; even especially used my Para Site tote bag"...courier Ms. YAO meets with the two receivers, also previous LIGHT LOGISTICS couriers, near South Shaanxi Road Station for 10 yuan braised pork rice, Shanghai's cheapest, followed by drinks; “that day we were sitting on a curb outside drinking, was pretty fun, but we forgot to take a photo together, hahahaha; i think a lot of other people got photos of us though, sitting outside the shop like that”; delivery successful
Courier Ms. YAO and dispatches HQL-310 and HQL-318 arrive safely in Shanghai, and that same evening contact is made with the two receivers (ex-colleagues and friends) for a handover on the evening of Wednesday, 7 August (Qixi Festival holiday)
Courier Ms. YAO returns to Hong Kong for one day after a few days' stay with a break in Guangzhou and Shenzhen in between. Dispatch picked up in Quarry Bay before her evening flight
姚小姐在香港時到了旺角的序言書店買書,還選到了一本展銷場的第二期《目錄》 Among her other destinations while in Hong Kong, Ms. YAO visits HK Reader bookstore in Mongkok and even buys a copy of the 2017 2nd edition of the Display Distribute 『CATALOGUE』
一個慢遞員賊和她同謀的聊天紀錄 Communication log between a courier-thief and her accomplice
慢遞員姚小姐確認要取的緩件內容 Courier Ms. YAO clarifies goods for pick-up
姚小姐解釋她的慢遞筆名的來源 Ms. YAO explains the origins of her courier code name (for both fast and slow couriering purposes)
慢遞員姚小姐的香港紀錄 Courier Ms. YAO’s Hong Kong view
慢遞員姚小姐和緩件HQL-310在往上海的路上(香港機場) Courier Ms. YAO with dispatch HQL-310 en route back to Shanghai (at Hong Kong Airport)
滬上最便宜十塊錢一碗的滷肉飯 Shanghai’s cheapest braised pork rice, only 10 yuan
從另一個角度看滬上最便宜十塊錢一碗的滷肉飯 Shanghai’s cheapest braised pork rice, from another angle
HQL-310的收件人發現她們之前當慢遞員的路線也記錄了在展銷場第四期《目錄》 Receivers of HQL-310 find their previous routes as couriers in the Display Distribute 『CATALOGUE』
HQL-310的收件人發現她們之前當慢遞員的路線也記錄了在展銷場第四期《目錄》 Receivers of HQL-310 find their previous routes as couriers in the Display Distribute 『CATALOGUE』