人民廣場 第三期
People’s Square No. 3
鼓樓胡同 Gulou Hutongs


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140 x 170 mm,46頁/pages
彩色數碼印  colour digital print
騎馬訂裝  saddle-stitched

語言 LANGUAGES  //  簡體中、英文   Simplified Chinese、English
出版社 PUBLISHER  //  絲瓜集團   Sponge Gourd Collective (北京 Beijing)
出版日期 PUBLICATION DATE  //  2018年4月21日

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Hutong tragedy strikes again. All the fun-loving folks in Beijing feel the heat as Fangjia Hutong’s outdoor seating is replaced with piles of bricks. Originally zoned as residential land, first-floor commercial spaces were forced to shut down last spring. Doors and windows were bricked up in hutongs all across Dongcheng. In People’s Square No. 3, we break down the hutong revitalization with Hemu, a seasoned researcher of Beijing’s hutongs, and AhG, a local Gulou G. Their insights help us explore: What does authentic hutong culture and community mean? What is worth preserving and whom are various forms of urban revitalization serving?


People’s Square is a zine series created for all the wandering tumbleweeds and curious cats who have found themselves lost in the dusty rubble of Chinese demolition and were thirsty to know more. Comprising photography, ethnography and art, it is a snapshot of the transient moments that make up China’s rapacious urban development and a dive into the dumps of land expropriation.


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絲瓜集團』是由一幫年輕的活躍細胞自發創建的團體, 我們通過研究城市變化進程去大膽創想中國的未來。成員們擅長通過視覺藝術、攝影、人類學、社區組織、電影和文學角度去創建多媒體趣味性項目。目的是擴大延展時下大眾定義的中國,並且給予年輕人更多空間去發掘自我與城市社會之間的微妙關係。我們的項目主要為中國年輕人和海外華裔解構分析難定義的」中華」.  特別在時下變化萬千的大環境下,對自我身份的不斷探索是絲瓜集團成員們迎接未來的最好方式.
Sponge Gourd Collective is a loofah for the future, a squad of green goons, a slimy surprise. We investigate urban transformation to explore Chinese futurities. With backgrounds in visual art, photography, anthropology, community organizing, film, and literature, we develop multimedia projects that broaden popular conceptions of China, to leave more room for the blurry spaces in between. Our projects deconstruct unstable meanings of Chineseness and speak to Chinese youth and members of the global Chinese diaspora. Self-searching is a seed that sprouted this collective; as rapid development calls for a fluid, flexible future, our conceptions of identity too must remain open to flux.


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People’s Square No. 3
鼓樓胡同 Gulou Hutongs”

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