• 內容 Contents

  • 出發點 Start Point

  • 到達點 End Point

  • 定量信息 Quantitative Data

  • 慢遞人員 Courier

  • 物流情況 Shipping Status

  • 附注 Notation

  • 媒體記錄 Tracking

  • HQL-585
  • El Bāoguǒete (USB stick)
  • 鹿特丹轉運中心
    Roffa Relay Centre
  • 多倫多
  • 一隻手指
    1 USB stick
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT


  • 2024-03-31,18:49 UTC+01:
    ROFFA RELAY CENTRE 設計並列印運輸標籤,準備 USB 記憶棒
    ROFFA RELAY CENTRE designs & prints shipping labels, prepares USB stick

    2024-03-07, 23:49 UTC+01:
    RFFA RELAY CENTRE:「將開始一隻協帶手指的慢遞。這是我們感興趣的新場域,自此這手指(原因明顯)並不出現在展銷場的網店上」
    ROFFA RELAY CENTRE:Will initiate a LIGHT LOGISTICS transfer of the USB stick. That's interesting new territory for us, since the stick (for obvious reasons) doesn't exist in Display Distribute's online shop...

    2024-03-07, 09:06 UTC+01:
    RECEIVER UPDATE : I would be VERY interested in acquiring a USB stick of the Hong Kong / Pearl River Delta-based Display Distribute collective! Please send me one
  • 鹿特丹 Rotterdam
  • HQL-572
  • 展銷場 El Bāoguǒete
  • 鹿特丹轉運中心
    Roffa Relay Centre
  • 香港 Hong Kong
    經由 VIA
    臺北 Taipei
  • 一隻手指
    1 USB stick
    瀞 JING
    官妍廷 Yenting KUAN
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT

  • 2023-01-25,21:57:
    快遞員 瀞 將 HQL-572 運送至香港的易拎;寄件人備註:U盤內有一個特別的彩蛋(給易拎,也給其他人)
    Courier JING delivers HQL-572 to IRENE in Hong Kong; (Note from SENDER: The USB stick contains a special Easter egg (for PORTABLE but also everyone else)

    快遞員瀞從台北快遞員 官妍廷 處領取快遞HQL-572
    Courier JING picks up dispatch HQL-572 from courier Yenting KUAN in Taipei

    2024-01-08,09:31 UTC+01:
    快遞員官妍廷在史基浦機場攜帶 HQL-572。來自寄件者的訊息:HQL-572 剛離開荷蘭
    Courier Yenting KUAN at Schiphol Airport with HQL-572; message from SENDER: HQL-572 just leaving the Netherlands.

    2024-01-07,大概中午 around noon UTC+01:
    Roffa Relay Centre packs HQL-572, without the usual elegance of LIGHT LOGISTICS' packing
  • 灣仔 Wanchai   臺北市 Taipei   史基浦機場 Schiphol Airport   鹿特丹 Rotterdam
  • HQL-550
  • 黑書眾半年多報第四期
    Black Book Assembly More-Than-Half-a-Year-in-Review No. 4

  • 鹿特丹
  • 日惹 Yogyakarta
    經由 VIA
    雅加達 Jakarta
  • 3 份 copies
  • 海納
    reinaart vanhoe
  • 遞送中 IN TRANSIT
  • 2023-10-19 UTC +07:
    慢遞員海納到達雅加達當作一個嚴肅的研究院,要「看他們怎麼跟政府一起舉辦一個類似於documenta 15文獻展」;計畫10月30和11月2日之間前往日惹,等待轉運
    Courier Mr. reinaart vanhoe arrives in Jakarta as a serious researcher, "to see how they do a kind of documenta fifteen with the government"; travel to Yogyakarta planned between 30 October and 2 November, awaiting relay

    2023-10-18,10:55 UTC +02:
    [reinaart vanhoe:] s dit de blauwe versie?
    Ik heb er 3

    鹿特丹中繼中心 Rotterdam Relay Centre: Ja!

    reinaart vanhoe: Neem ik er alvast 3 mee?

    鹿特丹中繼中心 Rotterdam Relay Centre: Graag! Dan krijg je straks nieuwe uit Utrecht

    reinaart vanhoe: Top

    鹿特丹中繼中心 Rotterdam Relay Centre: Super bedankt!

    reinaart vanhoe: Supportive distributed network 😁

  • 雅加達 Jakarta   鹿特丹 Rotterdam