附錄 Appendix

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130 x 195 mm,  148頁/pages
黑白傳統印刷  B/W offset
無線膠裝  perfect bound

語言 LANGUAGE  //  簡體中文、英語  Simplified Chinese, English
出版日期 PUBLICATION DATE  //  2013年12月

限量500本  /  Edition of 500

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《附錄》是北京『家作坊」過去幾年的過程分成了43個平行時刻,43個過去,在我們項目的邊緣找到其棲身之所。為了更好的未來,在2013年底「家作坊」關上了它的大門,這本《附錄》以何為額外創造之物為起點,力圖闡述這 些剩餘的問題,希望將它們融合,或至少承認和追溯它們曾經的將要成 為之物。

Located at the edges of the HomeShop project, Appendix is a publication bringing together 43 parallel moments gathered from those who have been close to HomeShop for years, or in passing. As the artist-run space closes its doors for good at the end of 2013, this publication begins from the question of what extra has been produced during this time, and seeks in part to address some of these residuals, imagining to incorporate them, or at least to acknowledge and trace the extent of their supplementation.